I have a need for knowledge. I rent an appartment where the landlord has tried many things to kick me out and now i recently have a dog and i want to keep it . It is hard to know how silent or noisy he is when i am out .
Ihave heard him bark when i arrive home so i need to clarify how much he barks to adress that with a behaviorist before it becomes a problem of neighbors complaining if it is too much and just to know how well he is doing.
I did a projet or two decades ago on adacity but it is all forgotten. If there are link to places to read i can do that but reading all the manual is not possible for me .
1 How to i adjust the mic sensitivity of my samson Q1 so that it picks up the sound from afar because the mic is in the room but not close to the dog s mouth and i am afraid that the bark would be missed because of the mic not grabbing the sound when it passes.
2 so far i only see a line with small dots instead of sound bleu drawing, how to make them visible? imore area under the curbe in matematic terms.
3 It is usefull for me to be able to see after how much time the barking happened and usefull to listen to it. How can I easily see the moments of barking?
i have audacity 2.0.5 on my old dell precision M 90 laptop with windows 7.
will this option be on it?
this laptop has not been plugged on internet for like 7 years. If i upgrade for the newest version of audacity , do i run the chance to get into problems ?
Also , on the nice picture you sent, the top has wave form from -0.8 to 0.8. how to do that because atm i onle see points like probable -0.1 to 0.1 ? thanks
About the limiter with mak up gain, is that an after having recorded a track to amplify it or is it something to do before recording?
some adjustement seems to have to be done before better from my intuition. Maybe it is called sensitivity? im noob but i remember i used to adjust something to get a wave form with amplitude better than dots . but before getting to flattopMountains image. do you what i mean?
ok thanks that is very help full too.
i found another old laptop. I did not keep up with pc performances
Maybe it is a larger question than audacity but i do have to get rid of 1 of the 2 old laptops and will keep only one.
Which one should i keep?
1 dell precision m90 windows 7 exploitation x32 processor
7200 2.00ghz… Note that it is a work station unlike the other one. maybe it counts in the balance let me know.
2 dell latitude d830 t2300 1.66 ghz
additionnal question the d830 has audacity 2.30 on it. Does it have the multiview possibility ?
Audacity 2 & 3 only use one processor, (a fundamental weakness).
So running Audacity 2 or 3 on a computer with multiple processors does not speed Audacity up.
Audacity 2 or 3 works just as well (or badly) on decade old computers.
You can create a multi-view in Audacity 2 by duplicating the track, having one track display waveform, the other display spectrogram, ( you have to mute one track otherwise the volume will be twice as loud)
If you’re on Windows 7 don’t update beyond Audacity 2.3.3.
(IMO stick with the versions of Audacity you already have running on your Windows 7 machines).
Personally, if I were doing this I would get an old phone, plug it in with a charger and just start a voice recorder app. It needs to be placed where it has a clear view of where the dogs hang out and provided it has at least 64GB of storage will run for weeks.
Once recorded you can upload the recorded sound file(MP3), drop it on audacity and zoom through the recording and count the barks and duration…
I have been using the duplicate track one in waveform and the other in spectrogram. it is working well to review a 1hour recording but when i have a 5 hours track recorded(eventually i will have to review 8 to 9 hours track), it is more problematic for 2 reasons.
by the way I am still learning english…
I use the mouse to press on the square to move the track very slowly without pressing play nor listening heading right . There is so much #pavement#(the track is the road) to look at that it is very long to go from start to finish , it is like reviewing hundread of pictures of pavement sections of 1 meter each when there the road has 500 meters .
Also it shows me the road in an uneven way resulting in me never seeing some barks( some pavement pictures are skipped) ( i read it twice that is how i discovered that by moving the cursor with the mouse it jumps over sections that i do not see depending of what the pc shows me and it does that even more if I drag the cursor too quickly.
Is the number of bark or their duration what i look for, im not sure.
Is there a way to quickly see where he barks in the track and to get to that place without having to review hundred of pictures? then i would listen to hear the kind of bark and deduct the time at wich it happened.
Would a zoom out to see all the track on one screen allow me to spot where the barks happened?
Or maybe there is a function asking audacity *bring me to the next place where there is sound louder than xyz . Because the background is rather silent and the barks are loud.
Hi yes zooming out can help a bit but the laptop is so slow to handle those commands that i m wondering if i save the project on a usbkey and open the usb key with my main laptop , would i be able to navigate more rapidly meaning less delay to zoom in and out?
my principal pc is Intel(R) Core™ i5-4590 CPU @ 3.30GHz 3.30 GHz
it has 4 core and 8gb of ram , .
It has audacity 3.2.3 on it . would the principal pc be able to use the 4 cores or since the project has been recorded with a laptop using one core it wont change a thing?
Also on another note, the projects are like 5 or 6 gb of storage which will add up quickly if i do a compilation. Is there a way to make those projects savings more compact to take less place on storing device? how?
Because of non-destructive editing feature added to Audcaity3 it’s more CPU intensive than Audacity2, and consequently will be more sluggish on the same machine.
Audacity’s free competitor OCENaudio loads/zooms/saves faster, and it has a dual display …
ChatGPT tells me … " Yes, ocenaudio does support multi-core processors … If you’re working with very large files or complex edits, you should notice improvements in responsiveness and processing times when using ocenaudio on a multi-core CPU.".
hum i ll have to think about this before changing[quote=“audacityloverr, post:13, topic:122820”]
another note, the projects are like 5 or 6 gb of storage which will add up quickly if i do a compilation. Is there a way to make those projects savings more compact to take less place on storing device? how?
The option to save a compressed version of the project is not available on Audacity 3,
although Audcaity3 can open compressed project files created in Audcaity2.
if i understand you , the situation kind of good, is that i could on the laptop 2.something save the file and compress and archive(or the other way around ill have to try) them on whatever and i can and always decompress them with the main cpu wich is 3. something.
would the other free program that you mentionned create lighter smaller files to archive? because i would take that road, as you said quality is not so much important for barking recording
If you set OCENaudio to 16-bit resolution, (which is CD quality), the files will take up half size than in Audacity, (which uses 32-bit resolution). OCENaudio can also save as ogg format files, as used in compressed Audacity project.
again very usefull contribution.
Would you say that once compressed the OCENaudio s files are smaller (similar or larger) than audacity’s compressed files ?
The compressed Audacity projects use Ogg Vorbis files with a quality setting of 160 kbps (VBR).
Exporting (saving) in this format is also available in OCENaudio.
Using compressed files reduces the memory required to store the audio by a factor of 10, but the downside is a reduction in quality, and the files take longer to open/save than uncompressed files.