I can't open old audacity projects since new update

I can’t open old audacity projects since new update. On Windows 11. I get the following error message: Audacity failed to read from a file in C:
“timestamp”: 1699372257,
“event_id”: “98fe1bc86b956b4d8587c25b60f841b5”,
“platform”: “native”,
“release”: “audacity@3.4.0”,
“contexts”: {
“os”: {
“type”: “os”,
“name”: “Windows”,
“version”: “10.0.22621”
“exception”: {
“values”: [
“type”: “File_Error”,
“value”: “Audacity failed to read from a file in .”,
“mechanism”: {
“type”: “runtime_error”,
“handled”: false,
“data”: {
“sqlite3.rc”: “101”,
“sqlite3.context”: “SqliteSampleBlock::Load::step”

This is a known and logged issue that has already been fixed by Muse for the impending 3.4.1 maintenance release.


That is reassuring. What is the timescale for 3.4.1 release please?
After doing a quick Google, seems quite a few people have been affected.

Perhaps you should pull the 3.4 release or at least add a prominent known issue statement on the website.

I am stuck now, as even if I downgrade back to 3.3.3 the files I had attempted to open in 3.4.0 still have the same error.

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I think Muse are trying for tomorrow for 3.4.1


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Why do you say this ?

Because I’m assuming the poster meant by old projects old AUP projects (which don’t open in 3.4.0) and that bug has been fixed for 3.4.1


I sincerely hope that the version comes out quickly and, above all, that it really fixes the problem! :anguished:

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I am disappointed to report that I have installed v3.4.1 and it is even worse.
I am now unable to open other old aup3 files that worked yesterday on v3.4.0.

These immediately crash Audacity and create a crashdump - like the one below…

Operating system: Windows NT
10.0.19045 3570
CPU: amd64
family 6 model 44 stepping 2
12 CPUs


Crash address: 0x0
Process uptime: 83 seconds

Thread 0 (crashed)
0 audacity.exe + 0x4afd6a
rax = 0x0000000000000001 rdx = 0x000000fe4cefbfd0
rcx = 0x0000000000000000 rbx = 0x0000000000000000
rsi = 0x000000fe4cefc0c8 rdi = 0x00000000ffffffff
rbp = 0x000000fe4cefc9d8 rsp = 0x000000fe4cefc010
r8 = 0x000002bc98616550 r9 = 0x000002bc98616590
r10 = 0x0000000000008000 r11 = 0x000000fe4cefbf80
r12 = 0x000002bc986165e8 r13 = 0x000002bc98616560
r14 = 0x000002bc986165e8 r15 = 0x0000000000000004
rip = 0x00007ff64482fd6a
Found by: given as instruction pointer in context

Stack contents:
 000000fe4cefc010 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
 000000fe4cefc020 c8 c0 ef 4c fe 00 00 00 e8 65 61 98 bc 02 00 00  ÈÀïLþ...èea.¼...
 000000fe4cefc030 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
 000000fe4cefc040 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
 000000fe4cefc050 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 bc 02 00 00  ............¼...
 000000fe4cefc060 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 e8 65 61 98 bc 02 00 00  ........èea.¼...
 000000fe4cefc070 10 c3 ef 4c fe 00 00 00 e1 71 87 44 f6 7f 00 00  .ÃïLþ...áq‡Dö...
Possible instruction pointers:

1 audacity.exe + 0x4f71e1
rbp = 0x000000fe4cefc9d8 rsp = 0x000000fe4cefc080
rip = 0x00007ff6448771e1
Found by: stack scanning

Stack contents:
 000000fe4cefc080 d0 ec d2 9b bc 02 00 00 e8 65 61 98 bc 02 00 00  Ðìқ¼...èea.¼...
 000000fe4cefc090 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 c3 ef 4c fe 00 00 00  .........ÃïLþ...
 000000fe4cefc0a0 00 3e cf 9a bc 02 00 00 01 7a 9f 3d fc 7f 00 00  .>Ϛ¼....zŸ=ü...
Possible instruction pointers:

2 lib-track.dll + 0x17a01
rbp = 0x000000fe4cefc9d8 rsp = 0x000000fe4cefc0b0
rip = 0x00007ffc3d9f7a01
Found by: stack scanning

Stack contents:
 000000fe4cefc0b0 00 b5 a3 9f bc 02 00 00 fe 83 9f 3d fc 7f 00 00  .µ£Ÿ¼...þƒŸ=ü...
Possible instruction pointers:

3 lib-track.dll + 0x183fe
rbp = 0x000000fe4cefc9d8 rsp = 0x000000fe4cefc0c0
rip = 0x00007ffc3d9f83fe
Found by: stack scanning

[I haven’t copied the entire crash dump here to save space]

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I wonder if you don’t have something else going on on your computer.

Are these .aup3 projects being run over a network ?

If you care to, upload one of your failing projects and PM me a link; I’ll take a look at it.

thank you.

Uploading now - I will PM you a link

The link you provided doesn’t work for me.

My bad - it seems to be coming through now…

So when I downloaded this file, I ended up with a .crdownload extension which indicated to me the download may not have completed properly. In fact, when I downloaded the file a second time, the file size was different (although similar) (1,054,544kb vs 1,052,520kb). Let me suggest uploading this file to a public file server, many of which are free.

Note: I did attempt a recovery on one of the “partial” files which was unsuccessful.

@jademan I’ve send you another project that crashes in 3.4.1. Check inbox.

I’ve been out of town all day today. I was able to download it OK just now. I’ll take a look at it tomorrow.

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Well, this is crazy, I checked your Helion file last night. It crashed on 3.4.1, but not on 3.3.3. Now it works fine everywhere. Later…

UPDATE: The developers are looking into this now…

UPDATE2: The developers have been able to reproduce the issue and have assigned it P1 (Top Priority), and hope to have a fix included for 3.4.2.

UPDATE3: The developers have a fix which they are currently testing.

Great. I’m glad the file helped you to identify the issue. I had to roll back to 3.3.3 to be able work.

Thanks for all your great work!

Thanks :grinning:

At the weekend, the fix is awaiting approval to be included in the 3.4.2 release. With the assumption this will take place and that you will be running 3.3.3 until that happens, I am closing out of this discussion.

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I have now installed v2.4.2 which now appears to work correctly with existing .aup3 files except for the handful that I had already opened with v2.4.0 which seem to be permanently corrupted.

Do you mean v3.4.2 ?

Please post or PM me a link to one of your “permanently corrupted” project files. I’ll take a look at it.

Note that forum user orogon is also having a problem with “old” project files: 3.4.1 error by opening aup-file (insert silence)

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