Audacity 3.6 is out now!

You are not overdubbing the mp3 file.

When you “open” an mp3 with Audacity what Audacity actually does is open a new project and then silently imports the file, in the process converting it to its own internal project file format. So in fact (unless you Save that project somewhere) you are still using the temporary files.


The good new is that one of the Muse developers has been working on this and I and one of the Muse QA folk have been QA testing it with long recordings.

And it looks like his latest test branch build mat at last have fixed this issue:

See (long pull request thread):

and logged issue:

So it’s looking likely that this fix may make it into the upcoming 3.6.2 release.


Recording 2 out of 2 this week same format of recording testing in a lightweight pre saved 320/48 mp3 this time with mouse moving which didn’t work last week as crash worked fully not even micro crash with the round target below versions of the crash. So 1 out of 2 weeks doing the same thing it worked but last week it crashed so seems like the crashes on this version of the bug replication seems to be 1 crash 1 non crash on the randomised ratio on recording into a already saved file.

The first file which crashed was no mouse moving during watching sport the perfect test monitor black screened which means screensaver power off cut in but Magix and it’s per file hard drives recording format continued in this state.

Lets hope it’s sorted but then on systems with 8GB or higher it is still doing the micro crash which comes up as a circle below your recording when you leave the mouse alone even if recording crashing is fixed on leaving the mouse so .2 needs to fix those too as only 2GB RAM or lower it should do that sort of behaviour you kinda expect it but on 8-32 nah he needs to fix the mouse leaving micro ones on the loopback.

I agree. For the purpose of outlining the buttons in an aesthetically
pleasing way, my suggestion would be to try a subtle .5 mm border
around the bttons of a slightly lighter shade of the button color.

no the outlines looking like I described got fixed a while ago

Issue with just playing since updating to this version, Installed just fine, can download and see the track/wave, but when I click play, it does nothing.

I forgot the tag of the OP as it’s an important key info on the crash produced by another alternative route so deleted the original posts so I can send them to wax: I’ve also put them both in one post too so it doesn’t appear like spam and being slimlined.

There is an interesting thing I flagged up today whilst recording a pre recorded long track without saving it on purpose 99 minutes 30 seconds 109:30 the same recording crash happened on pre recorded stuff where the recording is short snippets followed by a track on the timeline.

So that is the average time you’ll get the crash at I think good starting point as that wasn’t from a straight recording but it crashed with the same log as if it was.

The recording must be a very hard thing to bugfix the update still isn’t up. I guess it’s great news they are taking their time though as it does need to become better on strong systems not giving the bottom micro crash reports with circles as well. Those ones happen when you turn a wireless mouse off on the switch, turn the monitor off as well whilst it is recording and after an hour it tends to do it if it gets that far but in this version it has to have Magix in the background recording to even get that far anyway as it crashes on those black and flip screen power saving screensavers.

Hey everyone @here in the thread

We just released Audacity 3.6.2. It adds a “Legacy” effects section containing the old Limiter, Compressor and Classic Filters.

It also fixes the following bugs:

  • #6995 Fixed a hang after undoing.
  • #6912 Fixed the zero line going missing.
  • #6927 Fixed envelope appearance for clips offset from 0.
  • #6955 Fixed Audacity turning white on some systems.
  • #6857 Fixed the pitch indicator disappearing on Linux when hitting double digits.
  • #6941 Fixed cutting not putting clips into the clipboard.
  • #6926 Fixed pasting sometimes resetting the clip name.
  • #6751 Fixed the track header UI breaking when resizing channels in a stereo track.
  • #6847, #6846 Fixed LV2 plugin detection on macOS and Windows.
  • #3679 Fixed Labeled Audio operations.
  • #6924, #6989 Fixed Cloud projects sometimes not opening.
  • #7060 Fixed a bug regarding stereo-to-mono splitting.
  • #7055 Fixed a bug causing tracks with master effects sometimes only exporting silence.
  • #7025, #7133 Fixed multi-channel OGG and Wavpack import.
  • #7018 Fixed a crash after recording long sessions.
  • #7126 Fixed a crash when failing to load a cloud project.
  • #7093 Fixed Audacity maxing out the CPU when minimized.
  • #7124 Fixed the “editing clips can move other clips” preference desynchronizing multiple tracks.
  • #7196 Fixed Stereo tracks sometimes splitting into mono when opening a project.

Other changes:

  • #6736 The time track range now is a single dialog.
  • #6929 Reverted the behavior of selection change when importing a clip to the previous behavior.
1 Like

I thought the missing inner envelope boundary lines were fixed in v3.6.2? Currently they’re still missing, unless you zoom in an extreme amount.

Just tried 3.6.2 and muli-channel ac3 export still crashes every time. Back to 3.5.1

Thank you. :grinning: Maintenance releases are appreciated more than you know!

Another update? My experience is that, with each update, something which used to work well stops working, or has to be done in a different way which requires more steps. This has happened for me at least three times now. After this update, I can no longer paste easily into the File Name field. It glitches, requiring a work around. WTF?

I think it’s time for me to go look for another app.

1 Like

I still have to wait to use it because of my hissy jack and OpenVinu not being out yet. Darn it. But yeah bug fixes like this are very appreciated by my end of course I hope 8GB - 16GB RAM systems bug relating to the circle micro recording crashes is fixed as well there is no way systems way above the weight of the RAM targets for the program should be mirco crashing the way it does neither.

But I for sure will be onto this as soon as Vinu is out.

8GB+ RAM Micro dropouts recording crashes are still in effect since 3.6.2.

Replication: Turning wireless mouse off then leaving to record in a test run for later. Whilst the program didn’t crash in testing the micro crash on high RAM machines are still happening.

Time on clock: 16:45 after turning mouse off and leaving it to record.

Loss of Data: About 3-5 seconds of blank where it’s supposed to be music.

Device: Loopback pure digital data recorder.

Oh, you knew if I see it again I was going to say it wasn’t a full crash fix with evidence and a full data loss report.

As you can see statistics are not a problem it’s quite a powerful base machine I have now and Magix doesn’t do these dropouts with it’s HD0 files alongside the proper ones.

This never happens with mouse on and moving about only when turning the mouse off then leaving the machine.

Magix Audio Cleaning Lab recordings do not crash doing dropouts on the same machine same conditions of mouse off.

It might be a legit odd bug issue relating to when there is an idol switched off mouse on the program.


Very good job with the new realease! Congrats! It serves me a lot, specially the effects in real time! It’s been a long time I use Audacity, and with this new version the program has steped up! Thanks for it!

However, I am experiencing an issue very oftenly and I’d like to report it.
It is that, when I save a project and then close the window, the program crashes and shuts down every other window that was opened. A crash report is generated, but it fails to send it.

Afterwards, I have to rerun Audacity and it offers me the possibility to restore all the projects that were opened before the crash.

Is this a problem with the installation? May I uninstall and reinstall Audacity? How can I solve this?

Thanks for the help!!

That’s a problem with Audacity 3.6.2, we’ll fix it soon.

The crash on close bug is fixed in 3.6.3 @here – you can download it from; I’ll send the update notification in Audacity itself tomorrow morning

Audacity just gets better and better. Thank you for your awesome work!

Thank you very much Mr. Winterberg!

Thank you. I installed! However, the consistent dropping of sound 8 seconds in remains. Please advise.

Unable to send error report
I want to use the LANDR mastering plugin, but it crashes with an error.

Operating system: Windows NT
10.0.22631 4037
CPU: amd64
family 6 model 165 stepping 2
12 CPUs


Crash address: 0xffffffffffffffff
Process uptime: 30 seconds

Thread 0 (crashed)
0 LANDR Mastering Pro.vst3 + 0x48efd8
rax = 0x00000264efdd04d8 rdx = 0x0000000000000000
rcx = 0x313a227461657067 rbx = 0x0000000000000263
rsi = 0x0000000000000000 rdi = 0x00000264efdd04b8
rbp = 0x0000000000000007 rsp = 0x000000b28e37b640
r8 = 0x00000264dfe44c88 r9 = 0x0000000000000014
r10 = 0x0000000000000040 r11 = 0xc800000000002df7
r12 = 0x0000000000000000 r13 = 0x0000000000000000
r14 = 0x00000264ed8dd7b0 r15 = 0x0000000000000000
rip = 0x00007ff97026efd8
Found by: given as instruction pointer in context

Stack contents:
 000000b28e37b640 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 57 a3 45 00 00 00 00  .........W£E....
 000000b28e37b650 f8 53 d2 e1 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  .SÒ.d...........
 000000b28e37b660 f8 6f 1f ef 64 02 00 00 e8 6e fe 6f f9 7f 00 00  .o..d....n.o....
Possible instruction pointers:

1 LANDR Mastering Pro.vst3 + 0x206ee8
rsp = 0x000000b28e37b670 rip = 0x00007ff96ffe6ee8
Found by: stack scanning

Stack contents:
 000000b28e37b670 40 73 9c 77 f9 7f 00 00                          @s.w....        
Possible instruction pointers:

2 LANDR Mastering Pro.vst3 + 0x7be7340
rsp = 0x000000b28e37b678 rip = 0x00007ff9779c7340
Found by: stack scanning

Stack contents:
 000000b28e37b678 f0 6f 1f ef 64 02 00 00 18 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  .o..d...........
 000000b28e37b688 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 b0 d7 8d ed 64 02 00 00  ........°×..d...
 000000b28e37b698 10 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 7b 04 00 00 00 00 00 00  ........{.......
 000000b28e37b6a8 7b 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 56 1e e6 00 00 00 00 00  {.......V.......
 000000b28e37b6b8 28 69 fe 6f f9 7f 00 00                          (i.o....        
Possible instruction pointers:

3 LANDR Mastering Pro.vst3 + 0x206928
rsp = 0x000000b28e37b6c0 rip = 0x00007ff96ffe6928
Found by: stack scanning

Stack contents:
 000000b28e37b6c0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 f0 6f 1f ef 64 02 00 00  .........o..d...
 000000b28e37b6d0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
 000000b28e37b6e0 7b 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  {...............
 000000b28e37b6f0 10 60 00 80 00 00 00 00 e1 82 78 59 fa 7f 00 00  .`........xY....
Possible instruction pointers:

4 USER32.dll + 0x182e1
rsp = 0x000000b28e37b700 rip = 0x00007ffa597882e1
Found by: stack scanning

Stack contents:
 000000b28e37b700 e0 68 fe 6f f9 7f 00 00                          .h.o....        
Possible instruction pointers:

5 LANDR Mastering Pro.vst3 + 0x2068e0
rsp = 0x000000b28e37b708 rip = 0x00007ff96ffe68e0
Found by: stack scanning

Stack contents:
 000000b28e37b708 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
 000000b28e37b718 10 60 00 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  .`..............
 000000b28e37b728 00 60 80 59 fa 7f 00 00                          .`.Y....        
Possible instruction pointers: