I had the same problem as listed on this post, but I want to call attention to two things…
Why is there even an option to have L/R pan on a mono track?
I must have accidentally just slightly reduced the height of my mono track, but that made it so that I couldn’t see the pan slider… but if I double-click in that area, it pops up anyway - which is how I fixed my pan being off.
I’m not sure how I did it, but somehow I tweaked the pan on this track and luckily caught it before publishing my podcast. It was off just a bit, but it was definitely off. I have no idea how I managed to change the pan.
But more to the point, why is this even POSSIBLE on a mono track? The slider shouldn’t even be there - or it should at least be disabled, I’d think.
In this screenshot, both tracks are mono. The upper track has been shortened just a bit, till the slider disappears.
Mono tracks by definition have no left/right to balance. It’s not stereo.
Okay… but I suppose if the overall project is stereo, then you might still want to pan that track within the overall project L/R balance… That’s what this is for? Man, that’s confusing, though.
My projects are mono and I almost screwed it up by somehow accidentally panning a mono track. I assume that if I exported the audio as mono that this pan would be ignored. It was also very confusing that the track was panned, but didn’t even show the pan controls - so I couldn’t see that it was off-center. I had to look up that I could double-click that area to bring it up. I didn’t realize that the reason it wasn’t visible was because the track UI height was just ever so slightly reduced, making that control slider disappear.