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https ://wiki.audacityteam.org/wiki/Download_Nyquist_Plug-ins#Amplify.2C_Mix_and_Pan_Effects

e.g https ://wiki.audacityteam.org/wiki/Nyquist_Effect_Plug-ins#Panning_.28LFO.29

I think I accidentally killed an actual, real post. A poor Japanese translation made it seem like a bogus post.

I have no idea how to bring it back.


I don’t think you can … :confused:

Do you recall the user name?
If you Banned or OCBanned the user, I can un-ban them (but I need to know their user name or email address).

Deleted posts can’t be undeleted.

KOMA2 is shown the currently-first-visible post by Trebor, and that user shows as “OC Banned” … possibly that?

Possibly, but I’m hoping that Koz can confirm one way or the other.

KOMA2 is, IIRC, the person who wrote that post - I originally approved it, before it got deleted.


It wasn’t English. It looked like the Japanese characters in this post.

Yes, I banned it.


I’ve restored KOMA2’s account.