Switching to Audacity

I’ve used Cool Edit/Adobe Audition at work for a long time, but am switching over to Audacity in retirement due to no longer having a company computer. A couple questions about things I’m trying to figure out:

1.) Is there a way to expand the wave form in and out for editing using the wheel on a mouse rather than clicking + or - time after time (after time after time)?
2.) Compressor: is there a way to put in multiple rates of compression to use on a single audio sample? (ie. 2 to 1 below -10 and 4 to 1 above -10)

Are you producing any critical or important jobs? Reading an audiobook about the decades at your old job and all the famous people you worked with??

Audacity recently went over to 3.6.0 which was a major overhaul to the processes and software. If you’re familiar with the way Audacity used to work, this is going to be pretty uncomfortable.

Drag where you want to go and Command-E (zoom to sElected). There are also keyclicks for Zoom out a little bit (Command-3), etc.

If you’re in Windows, I think that’s Control-3.

I only memorized three of them. Those two and Command-F Zoom Out Full.

Screen Shot 2024-08-13 at 15.05.59

I don’t think so, someone else may post.

Audacity doesn’t have a help desk. It’s volunteers in the forum with an occasional developer dropping in.

That’s it.

Note “Turn in a bug to the developers” doesn’t work—at least since the last update.


See this page in the Audacity regarding zooming, there is a section on zooming using the mouse wheel:

And this page on Vertical zooming:


I tend to use the zoom to selection button to zoom in quickly and zoom to whole project to zoom out.

My preference is to click where I want to zoom in, then use the zoom commands. This keeps the selection point in the middle of the screen. With scroll-wheel zooming Audacity zooms in to where the pointer is over the waveform, which is useful if you want to zoom in without losing the edit point (for example, to find the other end of a loop).

For quick, left-handed keyboard zooming, I used Shortcuts Preferences to assign the following keys:
A - Zoom In
S - Zoom Normal
D - Zoom Out
F - Track Size - Fit to Width (shows entire project)
Once you’re used to it, it’s really fast.