Sound Finder / Silence Finder improvements

We generally recommend that people do snap crackle and pop removal before running sound/silence finder. For the same reason it would be better to deal with issues such as chair clatter (with, for example, “Pop Mute”) before running sound/silence finder.

Having gone through dozens of tests, I think that the only practical way to implement “ignoring short sounds” (without producing bad side effects) is to have:
“Ignore Isolated Short Sounds Less Than: … (seconds)”

An isolated short sound being a sound, shorter than the specified length, that is between two recognised silences.
A recognised silence is audio below the silence threshold that is longer duration than “allowed silence”.

With every other algorithm that I can think of, there are real world situations that cause the algorithm to do “bad things”.
With this algorithm, there are some situations that cannot be dealt with as one might like, but I don’t think it does anything “bad”.

We’ve already got stats.ny that can analyze the rms (and A-weighted) level, so like I’ve included a tool in the noise gate plug-in for measuring the “silence” level, it would be easy enough to have a “measure noise level” option in Sound Finder.