I just upgraded to 3.6.1, Windows 10.
I don’t see this feature on this current version or 3.5.x. Is it still available?
Thank you.
That option has moved to being a button in the Export Audio dialog:
However note that if you are using Export Multiple there is a bug that has not yet been fixed by Muse - see:
opened 04:43PM - 28 Dec 23 UTC
Design / UX
### Bug description
With new Multiple Files Export dialog (introduced in 3.4.x)… user supplied Metadata applies only to the first exported file - it does not carry through to any further files exported as part of the multiple export.
This is a regression on 3.3.3 and earlier
### Steps to reproduce
1. generate a chirp
2. add three point labels: A, B and C
3. File > Export Audio
4. Choose **Multiple Files** for the **Export Range**
5. Click on the **Edit Metadata** button
6. Add user data for the blank: Artist Name, Album Title, Year, Genre and Comments
7. Click OK button - returns you to the Export dialog
8. Click the Export button
9. Observe: the first exported file has the full set of metadata
10. Observe: the second and third files only have:
a) **Title** - _the B and C derived from the labels_
b) **#** or **Number** - **2 and 3derived from their export order**
11. Import the A, B and C files into iTunes
12. Observe: the only metadata is the **Song** name: the A, B and C
### Expected behavior
The user's metadata should propagate to the second and subsequent files in a multiple export sequence
### Actual behavior
The user's metadata does **_NOT_** propagate to the second and subsequent files in a multiple export sequence
### Audacity Version
All 3.4.x and latest 3.5.0 alpha
### Operating system
Windows 10 but assume all OS
### Additional context
Reported more than once on the Forum:
1, https://forum.audacityteam.org/t/metadata-for-multiple-tracks-not-working-as-before/88607
See also: **v3.4.0 Meta data set default not working on audio export #5494**
Before exporting, go to Edit > Metadata and click "Set Default" button.
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I am using “Export Multiple” so I guess I will wait for a bug Fix.
I used the feature that showed each box, allowing me to correct/add metadata, before exporting it. I don’t want to revert to an older version because every time a newer version comes out I end up liking it.
Thanks to the people who work on this and make it all happen!
September 17, 2024, 10:08pm
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