I have existing stereo song tracks. I record a new harmonica track into the project . I am having difficulty selecting just one of the stereo tracks into which to merge/blend my new harmonica track with a view to outputting a new stereo version of the song. I’m not finding the tracks ‘mix and render’ guidance in the manual helpful; it appears that all the tracks (Control A) have to be selected in order to do ‘mix and render’, rather than just the left stereo track and the new harmonica track. Advice please on what sequence of steps I can take to achieve my objective.
I looked carefully in the manual and what it says is
Mix and Render mixes down all selected tracks *(including any which may be muted to a single mono or stereo track
and on the detail page “Mixing Audio Tracks”
Mixing refers to the process of combining multiple selected Audacity tracks …
It does not say that you need to “select All, Ctrl+A” anywhere.
You may be getting confused by this lin:
To mix explicitly, select all the tracks you want to mix together then …
To avoid confusion I will remove the “all” from that line for future versions of the manual.
Just select first your required stereo track, then additionally select your mono harmonica tack (Ctrl+click, or Cmd+click on Mac) in the blank space in th harmonica track’s track control panel - and then us Mix & Render or Mix & Render to New Track.
Then the two tracks will be nixed into a single stereo track.
Thank you Peter for your very prompt response. I’ll follow your instructions and let you know how I get on. Regards, Nigel
The use of “Ctrl+click” to select tracks has been a bit of a revelation, as I’ve never used this in any other computer applications.
I’ve then used ‘Mix and Render’ of the ‘left stereo’ and ‘new harp’ tracks to create ‘Mix 1’, which contains two tracks. The lower track appears to be ‘left stereo’ on close inspection of the waveform, which I then deleted after ‘Split Stereo Track’.
Final step was to “Make Stereo Track” from the remaining ‘Mix 1’ track (left stereo plus harp) with right stereo track. Let me know if I have erred in this sequence.
Again, thanks Peter for your help
Hi Nigel,
that is fairly commonplace, for example in Windows Explorer, it is indeed a Windows standard and many other applications use this,
In addition to the Ctrl modified selection which adds an item to your selection there is also Shift modified selection.
With this you click ove on your first selected item and then Shift+Click to select those two and all items inbetween.
Anyway glad we got you sorted with the Mix&Render.
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