I was using audacity to convert multiple backing tracks (412) to MONO. Audacity exported multiple tracks but it changed Artist mp3tag to same as first track exported.
Version 3.7.1
|Processor|13th Gen Intel(R) Core™ i9-13900H 2.60 GHz|
|Installed RAM|32.0 GB (31.8 GB usable)|
|System type|64-bit operating system, x64-based processor|
|Pen and touch|No pen or touch input is available for this display|
Windows 11 Pro
Installed on
OS build
Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22700.1055.0
You probably have the artist’s name saved in the “metadata” information. What is there is inserted into all tracks exported with the “export multiple” option.
In version 3.6.4, you access these informations from the menu “Edit → MetadataEditor” or via the button in the bottom left of the export dialog.
Dan, this is a known and logged bug which remains, as yet, unfixed.
opened 04:43PM - 28 Dec 23 UTC
Design / UX
### Bug description
With new Multiple Files Export dialog (introduced in 3.4.x)… user supplied Metadata applies only to the first exported file - it does not carry through to any further files exported as part of the multiple export.
This is a regression on 3.3.3 and earlier
### Steps to reproduce
1. generate a chirp
2. add three point labels: A, B and C
3. File > Export Audio
4. Choose **Multiple Files** for the **Export Range**
5. Click on the **Edit Metadata** button
6. Add user data for the blank: Artist Name, Album Title, Year, Genre and Comments
7. Click OK button - returns you to the Export dialog
8. Click the Export button
9. Observe: the first exported file has the full set of metadata
10. Observe: the second and third files only have:
a) **Title** - _the B and C derived from the labels_
b) **#** or **Number** - **2 and 3derived from their export order**
11. Import the A, B and C files into iTunes
12. Observe: the only metadata is the **Song** name: the A, B and C
### Expected behavior
The user's metadata should propagate to the second and subsequent files in a multiple export sequence
### Actual behavior
The user's metadata does **_NOT_** propagate to the second and subsequent files in a multiple export sequence
### Audacity Version
All 3.4.x and latest 3.5.0 alpha
### Operating system
Windows 10 but assume all OS
### Additional context
Reported more than once on the Forum:
1, https://forum.audacityteam.org/t/metadata-for-multiple-tracks-not-working-as-before/88607
See also: **v3.4.0 Meta data set default not working on audio export #5494**
Before exporting, go to Edit > Metadata and click "Set Default" button.
Note too that there are whole slew of other metadata bugs, as listed in this super-bug:
opened 04:26PM - 12 Aug 21 UTC
Enhancement Request
medium feature
Metadata support is known to be patchy in Audacity.
- [x] #3188
- [ ] #2175 …
- [ ] #1944
- [ ] #1696
- [ ] #1620
- [ ] #1508
- [ ] #1506
- [ ] #1505
- [ ] #678
- [ ] #5825
- [x] #5494
Some (or all) of these may be fixed in future releases, but there aren't any concrete plans as of now.
<details><summary>Original report</summary>
### Discussed in https://github.com/audacity/audacity/discussions/947
<div type='discussions-op-text'>
<sup>Originally posted by **petersampsonaudacity** June 1, 2021</sup>
Audacity really needs some attention paying to its handling of metadata (inbound and outbound). Metadata support is known to be patchy in Audacity.
1) there are several (currently 11 at time of writing - now 13) unfixed metadata bugs listed in the Bugzilla bugtracker:
This is a prime example:
Bug 701 - Metadata: Embedded album art and lyrics metadata discarded
This bug has lain untended/unfixed for seven and a half years
2) There is also a discussion proposal from 2018 in our Wiki: https://wiki.audacityteam.org/wiki/Proposal_Metadata_Options
3) We often get posts on the Forum about poor handling of metadata - this latest example from today is the one that triggered me to write this up:
Part of the problem is there is no universal standard for all metadata fields. Audacity does handle consistently the fields that are there by default in the metadata editor - but additional fields are not always handled properly/consistently - for example album art and lyrics are just discarded as stated above in Bug 701.</div>
@waxcylinder Since what version does this problem exist? And why did Muse not publish a warning concerning this problem when someone downloads such a “faulty” version? Or even retire the version completely?
I think the “export multiple” option with the metadata is one of the most important reasons why someone wants to use Audacity.
When I originally logged this big I noted:
This is a regression on 3.3.3 and earlier
So 3.3.3 or earlier should be Ok in this regard.
Actually when I was using Audacity to digitize my LP and tape collection some years ago I used Export Multiple an awful lot - BUT I never used Audacity to manage the metadata, instead I used iTunes to do that.
For those who do not use iTunes (or its successor “Music.app” on Mac), an alternative would be “MP3tag” by Florian Heidenreich for Mac. There is also a version for Windows - but when I last saw the Windows implementation, I didn’t like its interface…
For sure, there are still more applications for this purpose.