Noise Gate History - HELP

Hi there! I’m using audacity to record narration, and I had to futz around with the Noise Gate settings for a particular recording, but now that I’m working on a different recording, I can’t remember what Noise Gate settings I used previously. I know that I only adjusted the Gate Threshold (I remember what I previously used for that) and the Level Reduction so those are the only levels I need to get back to what I used before. Is there any way to locate this?

I went to View > History, and the only changes I can see are that I adjusted the Noise Gate, and not what I did specifically. Any help is greatly appreciated!

If you haven’t used Noise Gate again since, then the next time you use it then Audacity should remember and reuse your last-used settings.

Once you get Noise Gate settings you like save then as a user preset - use the Presets & settings button.


If you didn’t reinstall Audacity or make any other major changes, the settings should still be there. They’re sticky.

Another way to hold the settings is through image or screen capture.

Screen Shot 2024-08-09 at 8.47.11 AM


Thanks y’all, this is so helpful!

Is there a way for me to check what the Noise Gate (or even other settings) are of a certain clip or clips when I go back to edit? So I can see what was done previously? Or is that not a thing?

I don’t know of any way to start with a corrected performance and work backward.

If the performance is still on the timeline, you can Edit > UNDO and get some hints that way.


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