Is ACX Check Lying to Me?

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Those were taken from a posting by someone who wrote back to us what the evaluation experience was like.

The MP3 goal is 192 Constant Bitrate minimum, Mono performance, and that’s the goal most people shoot for. Yes it is silly overkill, but ACX is going to resample the works for various products and services and your voice has to survive all those gymnastics. The quality will drop a little every time they do that.

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You have it all over most people reading for the first time because you’re not reading for the first time. You already have the story-telling thing nailed from your other experiences. The ACX version of ACX Check I fondly call “the robot” is the only first test. After that the performance goes to Human Quality Control and that’s where they do theatrical evaluation. Can you read out loud? Do you have clinical asthma?

Good luck.
