How to turn off click track sound permanently (Mac)-when importing track

I am a new user to Audacity coming from being moderately experienced in Garage Band. --I have a Mac Book with a “chip” (Silicon) so that is the software version I downloaded (though at this point I’ve tried both Mac versions with no success.)

It was suggested that I run an audio (+music) track through Audacity to clean up any remaining white noise before submitting it for approval to an app.

If I record a new track in Audacity there is no click track.
However if I import a track (any format) it automatically activates a “click track” that I have spent hours trying to figure out how to turn off.
I don’t really want to edit them out (unless there is a really easy way that won’t impact the integrity of the rest of the recording?)

So is there a way to import an audio track minus the click track?

Also I noticed that in a lot of the tutorial videos the bottom left of the screen of most people’s Audacity shows “Project Rate” but the bottom left of my Audacity window shows “Tempo” and “Time Signature.” (Screen shot of mine attached)
I’m not sure if that has anything to do with it…and I can’t sort out how to change that either!
Screenshot 2024-07-16 at 9.38.02 AM

Frustrated in the midst of summer “break” and juggling all the people and things.
Thanks (and yes, I am a beginner!)

I’m not getting that behaviour when I import a stereo audio track into version 3.6.

Is the click track a separate track in your project?

You can turn off the Time Signature Toolbar at
View (menu) > Toolbars > Time Signature Toolbar (uncheck it).

The Project Rate is no longer displayed in the main window as of version 3.5.

Most of these online videos on how to use Audacity are made by independent folk - and very few of them indeed bother to update their videos as and when Audacity changes.


Thanks so much. I made a couple adjustments and I think it was user error- learning curve! I appreciate your feedback - it got me thinking and double checking so I think I’ve got it sorted!

thank you!

I’m glad you got it sorted out, but … I still don’t understand how you could be hearing a click track just by importing an audio file. What did you change that fixed the problem?

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