Export using “insane “

I have been recording my radio show since February using “insane” as the highest quality to export with. Suddenly without warning it is no longer there. I have uninstalled Audacity, rebooted the computer. Nothing brings it back. I had to go back to an older version of audacity because there were too many glitches. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

320kbps constant bitrate is the “best” (least compressed) setting for MP3. I believe all of the other settings which are not accessible in Audacity are set for the best audio quality by default.

…All MP3 is lossy so we can’t really say higher bitrates are “better” unless they actually sound better. Some MP3 compression artifacts don’t go-away at 320kbps. On the other hand, with some program material 320kbps or lower may both be transparent (sound exactly like the uncompressed original in a blind listening test).

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Thanks for your response. I will just keep playing with it. As long as the station accepts my upload, I guess that says something

192 Constant (or higher) is the submission bitrate for ACX Audiobooks. As a fuzzy rule, if you can make ACX happy, you can submit almost anywhere else.


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Which one?

Past the MP3 problem, which glitches? Were you in 3.6.1?

When you folded your machine back to an earlier Audacity, did you reset the configuration? One of the fun problems of Audacity 3.6x is the ability to curse your machine against earlier versions.


It wouldn’t send an error report. It looked completely different and there was something else that made it impossible to keep working with it. I don’t need Audacity for anything more than recording and simple editing.

So you folded back to what?


I suspect strongly that with the 3.6x updates, about twenty bazillion people all tried to send error reports at once, so they shut it down.


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I went to audacity and went to an older version and downloaded that for a PC

You went to Audacity and not Fosshub, the reposity of older Audacity versions?

I settled on Audacity 3.4.2 for day-to-day operations. It has the insane export. Which one did it for you?

Where is your show? Is it available as a podcast? What’s the address?



For the upcoming 3.6.2 release the “Insane” option for MP3 export remains, it has just been rebadged in response to this user request regarding “ableist” terminology:

“Insane” should still be there in the current 3.6.1 release - it is on ny W11 laptop.


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I just downloaded 3.4.2 Still can’t seem to find it in the drop down menu. My show is called Dirty Laundry through Pacifica radio network. http://audioport.org/audioport_files6/karen@kxcr.net/2990_1-1_20240801_282046.mp3 . Someone else said it is now called ableist on the 3.6.2 version. I went back to older versions because there were too many glitches and I didn’t want to spend all my time trying to figure out what the problem was.

Music Compilation. Excellent.

I worked for WAMU-FM at American University in Washington. I was one of three people licensed to drive the transmitter.

That’s The Producer speaking. “Enough messing around. Let’s get this show out the door.”


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Actually, now that I’ve looked for it, I have it too.

Set Bit Rate Mode to Preset. Then under Quality you should see the option of Insane, 320kbps.

…If “insane” offends the psychotics, I suppose “extreme” will have to be changed because it offends extremists. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


And “Medium” might offend people who speak with spirits.

Never mind the fact that “insane” has common definitions besides those associated with mental illness which are applicable to the “insane” LAME setting:

  • adjective Immoderate; wild.
  • adjective Very foolish; absurd.

From insane - definition and meaning. (Oh, and should we rename the LAME project itself?)

Ironically (or not), a person suffering from some forms of mental illness (paranoia, psychosis, BPD, etc.) is more likely to become offended by the innocent usage of words because of their mental illness (e.g., because they believe things are attacks on their personal identity when they really aren’t). The real question is, should we be sterilizing language for people who choose to be offended by inoffensive things only because they have a loose grasp on reality?

OMG DVD Doug~ That’s it! Thank you so much! I tried it and that is the fix. Thank you thank you thank you! :herb: :potted_plant: :rose:

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