September 2, 2024, 9:40pm
Hi, audacity used to show the current file being written in the progress box but hasn’t for a few revisions. Exporting a large track into multiple tracks (say into 100 5 min files) it is hard to figure out overall progress. Thanks
To gain Muse’s attention you really need to log issues on their GitHub issues log:
You will need a GitHub account for that, but those are free.
It has a close cousin in this issue that I logged back in June:
opened 01:36PM - 07 Jun 24 UTC
### Bug description
User RichR wrote on the Forum
>Just updated to the latest … release. Among the changes I’ve noticed is that, when I Export Multiple (based on labels, if that matters), the dialog no longer has the filename in the title bar (at least, I think that’s where it was before). So, if I want to see what’s exporting, I must go to the destination folder and watch the files being added.
My testing on W10 shows that this is a regression on 3.3.3, introduced in 3.4.0 with the new consolidated export dialog.
I used to rely on this a lot when I was digitizing my LP and tape collection, so I understand Rich's disquiet about this.
### Steps to reproduce
1. launch 3.3.3 (or earlier)
2. generate a one hour chirp
3. Label the chirp with "label name"
4. Save the project (for use in later STR)
5. Export Multiple
6. Observe the Export dialog label carries the name "label name" - indicating which file is being exported
7. Exit Audacity
8. Launch 3.5.1
9. Open the project saved at step 4
10. Export Multiple
11. Observe: now the export dialog is just named "Export" - which is totally uninformative
### Expected behavior
Audacity 3.3.3

### Actual behavior
3.5.1 and latest alpha test build for 3.6.0

### Audacity Version
3.5.1 and latest master alpha test build for 3.6.0 (infact all Audacity 3.4.0 onwards)
### Operating system
Windows 10 - but assume all OS
### Additional context
See Forum thread:
September 3, 2024, 9:26am
Thanks for addressing this - the work around I’ve used is to monitor the destination folder to see how many files have been written but it’s not a real solution so a fix/enhancement would be appreciated
October 2, 2024, 9:40pm
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