I recently installed 3.7.1 on new powerful desktop pc (AMD chip equiv to Intel i9, 64gb RAM, Win11). I record and playback voice on mono tracks @ 48000khz/24 bit through a Focusrite Solo interface with a newly updated driver.
Problem: Playback on this pc of an Audacity track or an mp3 exported from it (192 kbps, constant bit rate, 48000hz) is usually delayed and stuttery/echoey for the first 10-15 seconds, after which playback smooths out and sounds ok. The problem is definitely playback on this pc. An mp3 recorded in Audacity on this pc plays back fine on another pc, and an mp3 recorded on the other pc that plays back ok on it has the same delay/stutter problem when played back on this new pc.
What could be causing the problem, and why does it seem limited to the first few seconds of playback? It occurs regardless of whether I start playback at the beginning of a track (or mp3 file) or part way through it. Thanks.