Copy/Paste Bug - adds dead space to all other tracks

I regularly use copy/paste but since this last update entire portions of tracks appear to disappear but what happens is that when I paste portions of one track into another, other tracks are displaced by dead space. Tracks that are not the one I am pasting in will move forward with a portion of dead space that I have to delete. I don’t recall this happening after the select but was removed. I have no idea why that button was removed. It was very convenient to just hit home and select. Now, I can no longer copy/paste as I had been without creating dead space all over the tracks that needs to be deleted manually. Ultimately, this has made audacity somewhat useless to me because I do copy/paste portions of tracks into other tracks as part of my projects, but this now creates extra work because I have to go back and make deletions. In some cases, the tracks grew to 160 minutes when they were originally 15 as I did not realize that using copy/paste was causing this bug to occur as I pasted into other tracks. That’s a lot of dead space being added in for no discernable reason that I can find.

To be clear, I am just highlighting one track. Even pasting within that very track seems to trigger dead space added in within the track. What has happened is that multiple tracks will be displaced by dead space. For example, I wanted to extend a waterfall sound in one track which was a subliminal with two affirmation tracks. When I copied several minutes of the waterfall track (track 3) and pasted it within track three, it displaced tracks one and two with dead space the length of what I pasted into track three. I then had to remove the dead space from tracks one and two.

If I copy a sequence of affirmations from track one to past at the end of track one to repeat the cycle, the first paste will seem fine. But if I move to then end of it to paste it again, it bloats to 27 minutes when the original copy was only 2 minutes and the second paste extended it wo 4 minutes.

In a test, I added new tracks and pasted what was in the original track to the new tracks. As I continue to paste in other tracks, this displacing continues. As you can see, both tracks 1, 2 and 3 were displaced when I added track 3 and pasted into it. Each new track I pasted content triggered the displacement in the prior tracks. I have added a link as the image was not being shown properly after I posted this.

This has made the copy/paste feature a nightmare to work with. I have no idea why this is happening. I believe it is new since this latest update. I do not recall this issue after the select button was removed, but I cannot recall if I had done any editing to my projects after the select button was removed.

This is a known and logged regression bug/

The underlying issue is that Muse have introduced with the current release “ripple editing” whereby a change in one track ripples through to the other tracks.

At the moment this is turned “on” in Tracks Behaviors preferences using the setting for Editing a clip can move other clips.

Formerly this setting was just used to control the behavior in the sole track that you are currently trying to paste into, needed if there is insufficient space for the paste.

Muse are considering what to do about this.
