Control V (paste) not working in 3.6.2

After upgrading to 3.6.2, Control C/Control V is not working. I usually copy the name of my first file before exporting, then paste it into the file name field and edit before exporting next track.

Control C/Control V are working in all other programs, and were working in Audacity. Now they do nothing in 3.6.2.

Testing on W10 with 3.6.2

I cannot reproduce this.

Using Ctrl+C to copy my chosen filename in the Export Audio dialog and ten using Ctrl+V to paste that filename when I ten use Export Audio again works fine for me.


Cannot reproduce on Windows 11, MacOS 14.5 in Audacity 3.6.2

This is so strange! I am now using Word to type in my title and then copy and paste from Word to Audacity. But Audacity still won’t do it. It worked fine before I upgraded to 3.6.2.

I tried uninstalling and reinstalling, and still cannot use CONT C/CONT V within Audacity.

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