I don’t understand this new update.
I do layer work for my choir. I often have to copy from one part and paste to another. If I DON’T select “editing a clip can move other clips” under TRACK BEHAVIOURS in the Preferences, then it won’t allow me to paste… it tells me 'there’s no room to paste". But I DO select “editing a clip can move other clips” under TRACK BEHAVIOURS in the Preferences, then when I paste it, it will move ALL other tracks forward. I have spent 50% of my editing time fixing this!!! PLEASE HELP. I don’t understand WHY that is useful at all!
thank you.
First, I’m not a seasoned music editor. I don’t understand the language all that well.
However, I could not find a solution, other than turning off he “pasting a clip can move other clips” function.
But if I do that, then I can’t paste because it says “there’s no room”.
I would appreciate an answer from someone. Wading through dozens of responses with griping similar to mine just confuses me.
The underlying issue is that Muse have introduced with the current release “ripple editing” whereby a change in one track ripples through to the other tracks.
At the moment this is turned “on” in Tracks Behaviors preferences using the setting for Editing a clip can move other clips.
Formerly this setting was just used to control the behavior in the sole track that you are currently trying to paste into, needed if there is insufficient space for the paste.
Muse are considering what to do about this.
Are you using just one track? If you are, creating multiple tracks will allow you to move things around much easier.
No. I use one track per part.
I am sooooo frustrated.
I just spent two hours recording and layering multiple tracks for 6 part voices + to go back and find out that EVERY effing part has been shifted!!!
I always have to cut and paste, because parts are doubled and repeated, and I don’t want to have to record everything fresh every time.
But I just wasted two whole hours and everything is shifted and out of place.
I’m pulling out my hair.
WHY OH WHY WOULD THEY DO THIS??? Are they listening?? Can they change it back?
I’ve been using this program for close to a decade and I’m going to have to find another one… and they offer NO way to contact their techs online.
I’m having a breakdown here.
This is a recently introduced known and logged bug:
A fix for this bug was made in a test build yesterday as you can see if you read the full bug thread.
Is the fix somewhere?
I’ve just read the whole thread. Not only am i confused about all the lingo, but I can’t find a fix.
Did I misunderstand?
There is no fix until the next release of Audacity,
At the moment the repair is only in a developer’s test branch, it hasn’t even made it to the alpha test build for the next Audacity release yet.
Thank you.
Finally !, I’ve found a post that deals precisely with my own complaint. And with enough passion that I don’t feel the need to “yell”. THANK YOU fabimoezzo! I couldn’t have said it better. This began happening to me recently, I suppose because I’ve not used Audacity in a while. I did at least find a response that included the “special” (oh, SO special!) setting under Track Behaviors. I was hopeful, but of course my hopes were dashed. After DE-selecting this ‘oh… SO… SPECIAL’, DEFAULT ??? setting, the shifting and the UNDESIRABLE edits were still happening across all open tracks – muted or NOT. I knew for certain, without a doubt (ok, redundant?) that I had never before had this problem. So when does this new release come out? (guess I was yelling a bit there, wasn’t I? ha)
Moderator note: there is no need to shout by bolding all your text, it doesn’t get your post any extra attention and it annoys the Forum Elves. I removed the bolding.
I know. I’m livid. And there’s no answers.
I can’t imagine a single situation where you’d want ALL THE Tracks to shift when you are cutting/pasting/splicing a clip. What’s the point of that??
And if I De-select “editing a clip can move other clips” in TRACK BEHAVIOUR then it won’t allow me to paste a clip over a section of the exiting clip. It says “there’s not enough room” so I’m stuck re-selecting the setitng and then having to constantly move my tracks BACKWARDS after I paste.
I cut and past all the time because I make choir parts, and some times they’re in UNISON, so rather than re-record, I copy from one and past to another… and this setting is an efffffing nightmare, and I can’t get any answers from the developers. In fact, there is no way to contact them.
I haven’t tried muting other tracks when I paste to see if that works… I missed that trick. I can’t see how that would make any difference though…
Yes, it’s an accidental bug in the current release - but it has been worked on and a fix made for the next release 3.7.0 (which hopefully should be out next week).
accidental… well that makes more sense. I can’t imagine why anyone would want to feature. I’m glad to hear they found fix. Very happy about that. I’m looking forward to it.
Some people do …
But you only get that when you turn on sync-locking from the Tracks menu.
Yes, but if you don’t turn that on you just CANNOT paste anything into a track line. You get a message that says “there’s no space to do it”. So neither setting is useful.
No, it’s just broken at the moment with the bug that is fixed in the next release.
I have tested this in the latest alpha test build I have for the upcoming 3.7.0 and I can confirm that it works properly again there.
Please download the older version which feat to your works via Old Audacity versions download (fosshub.com) and uncheck “Check for update” in the “Preference: Application” until the bug fixed.
Hi. I downloaded 3.5.1 and I’m still getting the same setting in preferences under Track behaviour: “editing a clip can move other clips”.
How far back do I need to go? I thought this was just in the latest update.
Sorry, I have no idea. How about download the oldest one as you can?