Clips name disappears when copy, Cut, Paste

Since I updated to version 3.6,1 every time I copy, cut, paste a clip, the name I gave it disappears. In the previous version, there was no problem. I looked for an option in the preferences settings but I didn’t find anything. Was anyone able to find the solution?
Thank you

M2 Macbook Airsapper

This is a known and logged bug that has already been fixed for the next release:


Thank you very much Peter for your answer, but can we know when the next version will be released?
And in the meantime, is there any possibility of going back to the previous one?

I don’t really know - but Muse were hoping for earlier this week. however release is delayed as there is a nasty crash bug sometimes when recording that Muse really want to fix for this release.


Thanks so much!