Clip labels not working as they did?

I tend to build up my pieces with clips of various kinds: I generate audio, edit it, mix it, add to it, then save it as a separate .aup3 file, but I also give the clip a label. Now, however, that label doesnt carry over; I copy the clip, then paste it into a track, and it just says “audio 1.” I don’t recall ever having this problem before. Has something changed? Am I doing something wrong?

Is this the same issue?

It might be. It had never occurred to me to drag and crop. I’ll check it out. Thanks.

No, it’s not that. It’s either a change in functionality or it’s a bug. I reinstalled 3.5, and the clip names transfer just fine. Unfortunately, I’ve done a lot of work in 3.6, and there’s no way to back an .aup3 file to an earlier version, except to export to .wav.

It’s a bug – fortunately to be fixed in 3.6.2.

Thanks, so I’ve beeen told! Good news

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