Audacity Manual for 1.2.6

I would like to print out the manual for Audacity 1.2.6. I feel like I’m looking for the Holy Grail. Please don’t tell me to go to C:\Program Files (x86)/Audacity/Help/ etc. I’ve been there. It’s not there. Please don’t tell me to upgrade. I actually like the version I have been using. I would really appreciate having an actual paper manual, in my hands. Thanks.


I happen to have a copy of the 1.2 manual - it’s a 156 page PDF file.

If you PM me with your email address I can send you a link to my Dropbox where I can place a copy that you could download.


The original Audacity 1.2.6 manual is included in

Download that file and extract its contents, then locate the file “audacity-1.2-help.htb” and extract its contents.

Thanks! Since I’m a new user [as of this afternoon], Private Messaging doesn’t appear obvious to me. Is that what the Hidden Text function is under settings and is it hidden from everyone but you, the person to whom I’m replying?

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