Audacity 3.7 is out now!

please do not update.every time i update i have problems.this time it want to record a new track .i have 5 projects and now i have to bounce everything from my laptop to pc and older version that worked perfectly.
.it want even record new stuff.just 1st track and then its stuck.


The post-exit crashes are back.
I didn’t see any crashes in 3.6.4

try download zip version of 3.4.2 and see your project works

Been a long time user of Audacity and really like it. with the release of 3.7 I can see where the icons were cleaned up graphically, however the select tool bar has less contrast and when a section of audio is highlighted, the actual wave color does not change anymore in the highlighted section. These two items make it EXTREMELY difficult to figure out what exactly is selected, and it is adding a lot of eye strain. Unfortunately, I deleted 3.4 and much prefer the old look with better contrast. Anything you can do have better contrast when selecting a section of audio is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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What is latest build of 3.7.1?

Wonderful. Have you guys come up with the reason why I’m having lagging issues now? (Using 3.7) No browsers are open, no other programs running, I have about a dozen different tracks/instruments in the project that I’m working on now. When playing back, the program will stutter/briefly stop - however you want to describe it… Never had this problem until the last few updates…

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Same here! I see 3.7.0 is still under maintenance. Still having issues even after I had a new solid state hard drive installed on my Lenovo Idea Pad 320. It’s 64 bit operating system x 64 based processer. So I downloaded 3.6.4 but my project was saved in 3.7 newer version and won’t open in any other older version. It’s been about a month now that I haven’t been able to work on my project! I’d be happy to download an older version while they work on 3.7 if someone can help me open my project using an older version. At least i then I could continue to work.

3.7.0 Under maintenance

Unfortunately I don’t think that is possible.

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Oh wow. So I’m stuck with 3.7 until they fix all glitches? OR I guess find another program and start over. Ugh, i have a headache.

I can record but the playback button is glitching so I cant listen to it. Anyone else having this issue?

Bonjour, depuis la version 3.7, les sons ne sortent plus. J’ai beau changer les périphérique, rien ne sort. Avez vous aussi ce problème et comment le résoudre ?

Same here. And the crash reports fail to send.

I wish there had been some warning or option to install the new updated version. When I launched Audacity this afternoon, the whole user interface was just completely alien to me and I couldn’t get my head around it. I’ve gone back to the previous version as I was using - I’ve never had any issues with it and is completely fine for my recording needs.

Lost two audio files already. One crashed before 3.7 and was unrecoverable, the other crashed after 3.7 and is unrecoverable. I installed 3.7 because that was the suggested option to fix the first file. None of my plugins work with 3.7. I purchased a plugin from the Muse offerings but can’t find a way to use it or any of the other Muse options. I just uninstalled 3.7 and reinstalled 3.4.2 successfully but discovered that now 3.4.2 can’t open the file that I last saved with 3.7. I have all the high end DAWs but have continued to use Audacity for music recording and mixing. Had four songs hit the New Music Weekly Country charts created on Audacity. But the two songs I have now lost involve about 20 hours of work that is now lost and unrecoverable. To say this is frustrating is an understatement. I’m a dinosaur tech guy (40+ years) so I understand the urge to constantly tweak things, but all change is not good. Now I will have to run two versions of Audacity and try to keep track of which file belongs to which version. Absolutely frustrating.

So for the second time this week my version of Audacity has automatically been updated to the new version 3.7 and so when I try to open the projects I’ve been working on I receive a message saying they have not been saved correctly the last time they were opened (which is entirely incorrect) and I’m stuck with the new version all over again. I have now reinstalled the version of Audacity I’ve been using and all my projects are fine, with no issues. Please can the automatic updates be disabled. I want to continue using Audacity the way I want to and not have the new version forced upon me. I know Audacity is free, but I see no excuse for this.