Audacity 3.6 crashing on paste

Some issues for me with the new audacity 3.6.

First it crashes if you paste a mono file into a project that is populated with only stereo files. It used to be this action would create a new mono track. Now it reliably crashes. Gotta create the mono track first to avoid the crash.

Second - the new UI is a mixed bag for me at the moment. I like the brighter look and crisp feel. But I miss the center (0db) line in the track view.

I miss seeing my manual adjustments to track levels without having to have that tool selected.

Am I missing where I can add those things back into the UI?

I also miss all my limiter settings and compression settings.

I am grateful for the update and hope I am just missing something for my UI and other questions.


This is a known and logged issue that Muse have already fixed for the upcoming 3.6.1 patch release (I tested this yesterday on the latest 3.6.1 alpha and it works fine again there).


This is an open issue that Forum elf @steve logged yesterday:


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