Audacity 3.1.3 - Cannot record a radio program

Good day,

I’ve been an audacity user for years simply to record special radio programs played through my computer. Audacity has been one of my favorite and most frequently used software programs. I had been using version 2.2.1 (I think that was it) and i was able to record programs earlier in the week.

I came home from work the other day and my computer (HP Alienaware - Windows 10) rebooted for what ever reason, which isn’t uncommon. I went back to Audacity to record another program and while I can engage the “Record” button nothing was recording. My heart stopped. Not sure what I can do without Audacity.

So i tried a few things to no success and then figured let me download the current version, which I did. I let a radio program play, changed the Project rate to 48000 and hit record. The program says “recording” but it is not recording the sound coming from my computer. I am truly at a loss and not sure what to do.

Sorry for the lengthy note. I will admit that I am not the savviest user, but really would like help troubleshooting whatever happened with my computer that is not allowing Audacity to record a radio program playing through.

Many thanks to anyone who can help.


Recording something playing on the computer isn’t that easy. The fact that you have been doing it for years means you hit the right combination of settings once and you’ve been coasting on those settings ever since.

I came home from work the other day and my computer (HP Alienaware - Windows 10) rebooted for what ever reason

I would find the reason. Proper, stable computers don’t just get it in their heads to restart spontaneously. What if it did that when you were doing something super important instead of overnight, like client billing, taxes, or your CV?

Run that thorough virus check service that takes over the machine and runs all night. See if it finds anything evil. Most virus packages have that buried in the adjustments and settings. They’re not kidding. They shut down your applications and check everything.

Close everything and intentionally clean shutdown. Shift+Shutdown > OK > Wait > Start. Not Restart and not regular Shutdown.

That forces Windows to actually start over and not assume everything is OK.

There is a manual entry for what you want.


Actually, they do. Microsoft just pushed another Windows update this week. :frowning: :smiley:

As did Apple this week with macOS 12.2.1 :wink:


Do you know if there is a fix or something i should change in settings in light of the Windows update because I can no longer get audacity to record sound from my computer.


Check that Audacity has permission to access the microphone.

Can you navigate me to where i can check the microphone access? Thanks

You could start here: Windows camera, microphone, and privacy - Microsoft Support