Jamulus - Recording - LOF File - Umlaute

when recording using Jamulus a WAV file is created using the musicians name in the file name.
This file name is also listed in LOF file.

Issue here is: Audacity 3.0.0 cannot import LOF files containing “Umlaute” “äöü…” in file name.

Error message: “File … not recognized”

Please add support for “Umlaute” in file names.

Please contact me in case you need more screenshots or sample files
20210331.zip (1.3 MB)

I’ll log this on the issue tracker.

Currently LOF files are limited to standard ASCII text characters only.
(See: lower ASCII characters table)

Please note that it is generally recommended to use standard ASCII characters only for file names as the use of other characters will frequently cause compatibility problems if the files are shared with other people, particularly when sharing across networks.

Hello Steve,

thanks for feedback, will post in Jamulus



Example: https://www.paho.org/par/index.php?option=com_docman&view=download&alias=560-guide-to-proper-file-naming&category_slug=organizacion-de-la-representacion&Itemid=253

Hello Steve,
thanks for feedback.
Jamulus project will take care to convert filenames into compatible format.

Jamulus team fixed the file name issue
Special characters replaced by “_”
Jamulus Version 3.8