I saw this code made by @steve in a 2015 forum, where they made a code that fades out/in(?) EQ, but i’m not sure how to use it. I tried typing it into Nyquist Prompt(is that where you even put it?) and messed around with it. I can’t get to do anything(except error 0s). I am definitely doing something wrong but not sure how to make it work.
Here is steve’s code
(setq start-freq 10000) ; cannot be greater than 1/2 the sample rate
(setq end-freq 100)
(setq passes 4) ; more passes for a steeper filter cut-off
(setq sweep-type 0) ; 1 for a linear sweep, 0 for exponential sweep
(let* ((nyq (/ *sound-srate* 2.0))
(f0 (max 0 (min nyq start-freq)))
(f1 (max 0 (min nyq end-freq))))
(if (= sweep-type 0)
(setf hpfreq (pwev f0 1 f1))
(setf hpfreq (pwlv f0 1 f1)))
(dotimes (i passes s)
(setf s (hp s hpfreq))))