Weird, loud 'buzz' when trying to record an LP?

Using Audacity 3.3.2 on a W10 PC.

Yesterday, I had happily recorded a few LP sides but then clicking the red ‘Record’ button … instead of the customary signal trace appearing on the screen, for L & R channels - I heard a loud ‘hissing’ sound and each signal trace was maxxed out.

Shutting down Audacity - then starting it up, a few times - didn’t fix the issue. Neither did rebooting the PC.

So I was wondering what I needed to do to stop this hissing sound … so I can get back to recording my LPs?

But this morning … trying to record again … it all worked smoothly!

So what was the cause of the horrible hiss, yesterday?

You may have changed your Recording Device to “loopback” or “stereo mix”. That records what’s coming out of the soundcard/interface instead of what’s coming in. If you have also selected Audible Input Monitoring, that can create a feedback loop that makes the volume go out-of-control with noise.

You should select the actual analog or USB input as your Recording Device.

Thank you, DVDdoug.

I’ll check those settings.