I’m not super advanced in using Audacity, but have been recording my singing on it for several years now. I recently got a new laptop (its a HP Envy) and set up Audacity on it, but have been having difficulties with a lot of distortion in the sound, a problem I never had with my old laptop (a Dell Latitude 5410)… I’m guessing it has something to do with the recording levels, but I’ve tried adjusting a lot of things and nothing seems to be working. Do I need to adjust levels on my microphone (a RODE NT USB, by the way) or is it a problem on Audacity?
Here is what my meter levels are set to:
I would love some help trying to figure this out!
Hola amigo, cuentanos si el problema también está presente cuando cargas una canción y la reproduces con Audacity
If I simply upload a song and put it into Audacity the sound isn’t warped. It’s when I’m trying to record that the problem occurs…
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