Version History Request

Greetings to the software developers of Audacity,

I would like to see you implement a version history feature in audacity that shows all transformations, modulations, tracks created, etcetera, in terms of all active changes that are made to track modification. I could potentially help you if you want but I am not really interested in working on open source software without making some money so whatever. It’s up to you! Thank you.

You can contact me at or 551-482-6232


I would be happy to just have visual indicators of track changes similar to the way Visual Studio does it…

Nothing means no changes.

Green means saved changes. These will disappear when the file is closed and reopened.

Bright yellow means unsaved changes. These change to green when the file is saved.

Dark yellow means unsaved undos (i.e. you’ve made and edit and then hit Ctrl+Z). These disappear when the file is saved.