Hello! I’m beginning my adventure with plant bioacoustics and decided to test some single ton frequencies on various plant species. The problem is, I don’t know how to properly show this app in my work. Since it’s an open source app and not sth you buy license for. I’ve seen some researchers just state that they’ve used “Audacity application” or that they’ve “generated sounds via the Audacity”. I am fully aware that the app works just perfect but I need special description to make the non-believers see this as a serious tool.
For older versions of Audacity, the recommended form of citation is described here: https://webcf.waybackmachine.org/web/20190328104946/https://www.audacityteam.org/about/citations-screenshots-and-permissions/
I have not been able to find an equivalent for versions of Audacity released after Muse Group took over.
Thanks, this really helps <3