Urgent need for an answer please

Hello, I read a majority of the posts and I don’t think this has been asked yet. If it has, I apologize. I used the noise canceling feature on Audacity. It worked well, cancelling out the unwanted wind noise that was recorded on my audio and for the most part, sounded good except for the volume which could be fixed by gain. However, going to export it as an Mp3 to be used in my Video editor, the sound was very unpleasing. Did I do something wrong? I also exported it as a .wav format and same thing. Please help me as I need to turn this into the bride in less than a week.

You were able to play the show while it was in Audacity and after you applied the corrections, right? Then, no matter how you Exported it, the sound was damaged? That’s where you sailed into Never-Never-Land. Anybody can create an MP3 that sounds funny. MP3 has tuners and adjustments and it’s easy to mess up. But not WAV. WAV has no options.

How did you play the WAV after you made it? Can you open it up in Audacity and listen to it?

You should Save An Audacity Project while you have the work active. That should let you open the show again after you turn off the computer.

You should post a brief segment of “real sound” from the show on the forum for us to listen to it. Plain voices are good. Do not, for one famous example, complain about distortion in your fuzz guitar. That’s not helpful.



Thats a good idea. I will post the before and after. The original is of human voices and heavy wind distorting it. I will post the two samples and get some feedback. Thanks for replying.

You shouldn’t worry about the After. We’ll make our own.

I uploaded a clip. Here you can hear the wind in the background. When I go to export, or even in audacity, the end product sounds unpleasing

so I don’t know. Did I do this right. Uploading the clip

Forum help is voluntary and spread across ten time zones. Sometimes it takes a minute.

I was able to help a bit. This may be good enough for your show (attached). You did record this “in the wild” and there’s only so much we can do. If this is OK, I’ll post how I did it.

Here’s one where I squeezed the wind noise a little bit more. If you’re interviewing somebody with a male voice, this may create problems with them. Koz

Here’s one where I left the crowd in but took out as much wind as I could.

Yes. They all sound a million times better than the ones I had. Yes, I would love to know how you did that. And do you all have a place where you take donations?

We do, but lets get you out of trouble first.

The simplest one is the last one where I just took out all the rumbly sounds. This can make the show sound a little tight and high, but it’s a normal news gathering technique.

Do this to your clip first and see if you like it before applying it to the whole interview. DO NOT save the corrected show to the same filename as the original interview. Once you do that and something goes wrong, you have no show. Full stop. Always use new filenames.

Effect > High Pass Filter: 24dB, 200Hz > OK

If that’s close enough, then we’re done. If you want to suppress the crowd a little bit, drag-select the portion of your clip as in the first picture. Effect > Noise Removal > Get Profile.

Then select the whole show and Effect > Noise Removal: use the settings in the second picture > OK.

The big kids use a short shotgun microphone in hand-held close to the speaker’s mouth. The microphone should have a foam wind sock on it. I’m working on an illustration for that. None yet. Sorry.

Screen Shot 2014-07-20 at 12.31.29 PM.png
Screen Shot 2014-07-20 at 12.31.06 PM.png

The Noise Removal step is delicate and will only work as long as the crowd noise doesn’t change. If it does, you have to go through and get a new profile with the new crowd. The application settings in step two should stay the same.

If this was easy, anybody could do it.

What’s left? Oh right.



Thankyou, Thankyou, and Thankyou again. It worked great. None of that wind interference. Of course I want a little bit of chatter because its real world. I appreciate your help so much. And I have the donate website. Thanks