Hi Audacity Team,
I am using Audacity new version 3.5.1
I am trying to export a file with the format “(external program)” and adding a file name extension “.m4a” at the end with this command
"ffmpeg -i - -movflags +faststart “%f”
it was working fine until I was using 3.3 version(I think…!!), however after updating the audacity, now it says “unable to locate the lame”.
upon searching the Internet there were a few techniques that said “locate it manually”, however I don’t see the option in the recent version. can you please help? i would really appreciate it. thanks so much
thanks for the response, Steve. you are write. but that seems to be a typo mistake on my end while writing that code here. in my audacity, its the same as you wrote. i even copied your code, but it still gives me the same warning/issue.