Unable to install OpenVINO Ai Plugin on Audacity 3.6.2 and 3.6.1

I’ve been trying to download the OpenVINO Ai Plugin, specifically the whisper transcription, but it showed :

Stream write error.

First time I downloaded audacity 3.6.2, and the v. 3.6.1 of the plugin, and vaguely remember there was an error downloading the plugin (if I remember correctly was also the same error dialogue). Then, it always shows error that the app was unable to find the openvino plugin. Tried various methods such as moving the mod-openvino.dll one by one (they all showed the same problem), copying the zip file into the audacity folder, but all proved to fail.

I’ve deleted the audacity app data since then, reinstalled and redownloaded.

Last shot I tried was downloading audacity 3.6.1 and it showed the stream write error. Not sure what’s the problem here as there was no other such errors I found on the internet.

The OpenVino plug-ins worked for me in 3.6.1. I installed 3.6.2 and an error message said that OpenVino had not loaded. I reinstalled the plug-ins but they did not work. I reverted to 3.6.1 and re-re-installed OpenVino. I opened Audacity, looked at Preferences>Modules and found that OpenVino was flagged as ‘Failed’. I changed it to ‘Enabled’ but still couldn’t get it to show in Effects. However, when I closed and re-opened Audacity, there was OpenVino.

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I tried changing it to “Enable” all the time and it reverted back to “Failed”. The same error of unable to find the plugin keeps on appearing.

Currently, I managed to get it running through OpenVino installation.exe, and choosing Whisper Transcription -Base only (since it is the only one I need as of now). Previous attempts I tried installing Small, Small (English) and the rest of the plugins offered but it showed the Stream write error.

We do not yet have an updated OpenVINO AI Plugin Release for Audacity 3.6.2 – this is a work in progress. We should have something posted by end of week.

@sefufu, can you give more details about the error you’re seeing when using Audacity 3.6.1? Perhaps a screenshot?


I see, this was my first time using audacity again after many years so the guide I saw online was most likely outdated too :cry:

This was the error when I tried installing the openvino plugin on 3.6.1. I didn’t save a screenshot of the error code on my first installation (on the 3.6.2) unfortunately but I vaguely recall it was a similar error.


Thanks, now I see what you mean… an error while downloading the models during installation.

Out of curiosity, what version of windows are you using?

I’m currently on Windows 11.

Hmm, strange. At this stage of the installation, it’s downloading a few (large) AI models from huggingface.co – perhaps there is some current disruption on the server side. I can try it on my end in a little while.

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J’ai également ce problème.
J’ai suivi la procédure : installer le plug in, l’activer, redémarrer Audacity.
Lorsque je redémarre le message suivant s’affiche “incapable de charger le module mod-openvino ; Erreur : la procédure spécifiée est intraouvable”
Et dans les préférences il passe de “validé” en “échec”.
J’ai bien installé dans le même dossier comme proposé par défaut.
J’utilise windows 11 famille, et Audacity 3.6.2

Merci pour votre aide :slight_smile:

Hi @Gulwen,

We are still working on releasing a set of plugins that are compatible with 3.6.2, so the error that you are seeing is expected.

We should be posting an updated set of OpenVINO AI Plugins by the end of the week. Stay tuned.


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