Ive recorded on audacity before but now all I get is skipping skipping and more skipping! I have an audio technica record player that I connect with an ART USB Phono Plus device to the USB port on the back of my iMac. As it is recording it sounds just fine but when I play back all it does is skip skip and more skipping. I’ve adjusted the buffering to 0, 10, 20, 30 40, 50 150,200,500, 1000 and nothing makes a difference. I’ve tried with older versions of audacity and nothing.
I noticed people with Window machines had troubles that were able to be solved, hoping for the same for me on my Mac!
thanks hopefully!
I’m a Windows guy but dropouts are usually caused by something interrupting and “hogging” the system. The operating system is ALWAYS multitasking and interrupting even if you are only running one application.
If some application, driver, or process “hogs” the system for a few milliseconds too long you get buffer overflow and a glitch in the audio.
Whatever it is doesn’t have to be using a lot of CPU power/cycles, it just has to hog it a bit too long.
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