Trying to export file getting exception code 0xc00000005

I downloaded the newest version of Audacity 3.6.4 and can no longer export an audio file. Indicates Project file is not valid.
I receive this error exception code 0xc00000005.
I can’t do the generic send button it crashes - no email attached to user.
I have copied the file the collected information can i post that here? Or, is there an e-mail address that I could send it to.

I did run Audacity as an administrator thinking maybe some issues with Rights did not matter.
System win 10 professional.

Let me know thanks

Did in the end find the issue. It had to do with the FFMPEG version which generated the error. I downloaded a fresh copy and installed that exception code was resolved.
I’m still receiving a message everytime I open the app indicating the last project was not saved properly. No clue yet as to the reason for that.

Any suggestions would be welcomed?

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