Trying recover overwritten audacity file from "aup3-wal" file

Hey everyone, I was working on a project inside of Audacity and i saved the AUP3 file. I was pressing undo on the unsaved version of it, but my entire program crashed. When I went to open my saved work, the unsaved work overwrote the saved work. I still have the AUP3-WAL file of the saved work, but I wanted to know if there was a way to open the AUP3-WAL in any way. That, or find a way to restore the data from the moment I first created the original AUP3 file.

Thanks to whoever helps <3

Probably not. The AUP3-WAL and AUP3-SHM are used to make a “real” AUP3 file when you close Audacity.


So you had two Audacity programs open or you had the show open twice on two different timelines?

I didn’t think you could save a portion of a show as a project. I should try that, as soon as you post what you did.


I had my file saved, but when it crashed, I unknowingly saved over it by recovering it inside the audacity program. so i made the project, saved it, pressed undo a bunch to get old voice clips, it crashed, but because i recovered the file from where it crashed and not open the saved file, me recovering the file from the crash overwrote the file I had wanted/saved.

but it’s fine, i just redid my lines and fixed up whatever i had missing. but thanks for letting me know about the AUP3-WAL business. and i also learned to open saved files from the actual file itself, not from a messed up recovery lol

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