Trasferred .aup from a Fat32 HD to a NTFS HD: impossible to open .aup

Its impossible to open projects transferred from a Fat32 HD to a NTFS HD: this is the error message:

“timestamp”: 1732898946,
“event_id”: “11f987b91a8130408b7cbca88dc3ad20”,
“platform”: “native”,
“release”: “audacity@3.5.0”,
“contexts”: {
“os”: {
“type”: “os”,
“name”: “Windows”,
“version”: “10.0.22631”
“exception”: {
“values”: [
“type”: “Error_Opening_Project”,
“value”: “Project is read only\n(Unable to work with the blockfiles)”,
“mechanism”: {
“type”: “runtime_error”,
“handled”: false,
“data”: {
“sqlite3.query”: “DELETE FROM sampleblocks WHERE NOT inset(blockid);”,
“sqlite3.rc”: “8”,
“sqlite3.context”: “ProjectGileIO::GetBlob”,
“log”: “17:48:44: Error: Could not parse file "__HOME RECORDING (01 Now and _Now and Then (Vitt2) - The ". \nError: Project is read only\n(Unable to work with the blockfiles)\n17:49:06: Loaded 144 string 3,320312 Kb in size\n17:49:06: SQLite error (8): statement aborts at 11: [DELETE FROM sampleblocks WHERE NOT inset(blockid);] attempt to write a readonly database\n17:49:06: DBConnection SetDBError\n\tErrorCode: 8\n\tLastError: Project is read only\n(Unable to work with the blockfiles)\n\tLibraryError: attempt to write a readonly database\n”

any idea?
thanks in advance if you have a solution

Did you transfer the whole folder?

An AUP file is a “small” file with just the “instructions”. The actual audio is in many smaller files (maybe .AU files?.. I don’t exactly remember.

…The new AUP3 format is a “self contained” file with everything.

I did transfer of the whole folder, but my .aup3 files are absolutely not small (from 600 MB to 1.5 GB, depending on the song). The Audacity release is the same (3.5.0) on the same PC (Intel i7, 16GB RAM)