Track volume slider doesn't match the cursor movement

I just upgraded to Aud 3.6.1 (Win 10). When adjusting the gain of a track (the “- / +” slider on the left), the slider is slower than my mouse, i.e. the cursor moves further than the slider. This feels very weird. Is there a way to adjust this to normal?

it sort of is - it’s to make it easier making small changes to the slider. Given the wider track header, it probably would be fine changing it to not do that anymore (or putting the fine moving behavior behind Shift or something)

I downgraded to 3.5.1, as due to such “ideas to make things easier according to some developer” (not really), Audacity is becoming unusable. It offers “solutions” in search of a problem.

  1. Why is the cursor “faster” than the slider for the track gain, but not the “Pan” just below? Two different behaviors for identical sliders a few pixels apart? Bad UI. Always keep the slider behavior STANDARD everywhere and put any non-standard behavior behind a modifier key.
  2. In the past, there was a simple “shift track on the timeline” tool in the top menu. Now it’s only available via the multi-tool. The “tiny hand” upper left corner is an abomination. To use it, I have to carefully navigate to the top left corner where I then spend several seconds “fighting over” the cursor with a dozen other cursors (bracket etc), all vying for my attention (“pick me! pick me!”). With the tiny hand, I can’t shift the track before the start of the timeline, as it’s blocked. With the old “shift track” tool it wasn’t a problem.
  3. The bracket cursors presumably extend the bounds of a copy-pasted track? Except they introduce bugs. Often, when modifying the volume envelope on a copy-pasted section of a track, the amplitude OUTSIDE of the envelope “key points” changes, presumably because the section is now confused where it begins and ends. In older versions of Audacity, before the bracket cursors, amplitude always changed ONLY within the bounds of the envelope key points.

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