Been using and updating Audacity for several years as a non-professional. Main use is converting my CD & MD to digital files for in-car playback library. But today cannot make sense of what is wrong, so reinstalled and did a system restore, but no change at all. This is very strange as it has been working perfectly earlier this week.
The Details:-
Basically, when I hit Record it no longer senses any input, and the recorded blue track is a flat dead line.
Observing the Recording Levels display line, I can see the green input signal is there for a few millisecs only. That bar-chart has two small virtical blue limit lines (not the big limit slider on right. As soon as the sound hits these blue input lines at -48/-42 the green bar disappears.
I guess if I can move or raise the blue input level markers this would stop the sound input being tripped off. But I cannot find this setting anywhere. Furthermore, I have not adjusted any settings for perhaps over a year. So maybe this is Windows 10 protection somehow - which was why I did a System Recovery today.
---------------------------------------------------------- 54 green & 42 blue ----- just here --------|