Unfortunately I have some errors in audio after running some processes over it. I know whats causing them but it is unavoidable at this point in time. Just looking for assistance in cleaning them up a little easier and faster than manual deletion from the track.
Clipping doesn’t catch these so I’m wondering what might catch and remove these. They look like a total signal drop on one or both audio tracks and sounds like skipping from an old CD.
Those ticks make tones right in the middle of the good ear sensitivity.
I tried making one of the ticks go away by simple filtering out all the audible tones-—and do it so fast nobody notices. It almost worked, but I can’t do any more work on the idea until tomorrow.
Are you up to individually treating each tick? I’m guessing it’s a bad idea to change the length of the show?
When something like that happens, I expand the waveform until it shows individual samples then manually paste in samples to bridge the gap. they don’t have to be correct samples, just something smooth between its beginning and ending points. Once that’s done you’ll never notice the error.