TB TimeMachine plug-in doesn't show up even if it's enabled

Hello. I have 64bit Audacity 3.4.2 and I downloaded the TimeMachine by ToneBoosters plugin and it is also 64bit. It was working fine until I updated it to 3.4.2. Now it doesn’t show up in the Effects tab but it is active. How can I solve this problem?

It could be in the realtime effects menu …

Unfortunately it’s not there either and I deleted it and this time I installed ToneBoosters Legacy v3 64bits and it doesn’t work either. It installed successfully and activated automatically but they don’t show up either. Do I need to reinstall Audacity or something else? (I updated to the latest version. Also, I will try it on another device to see if it works there.)

The legacy plugins are VST2. Mine are in …
C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST2

In my case they appear in the “Toneboosters” submenu.

Yeah, mine are in there too. But in my case there’s no menu named VST or VST2 on Realtime Effects menu.

Update: They appear on my second computer. They only do not appear on my main computer. I will try reinstalling. Meanwhile, does someone have a solution for this?

There’s an Audacity folder which persists re-installation in

*Users<username>\AppData\Roaming\Audacity* (or type %appdata% in Explorer)

It contains a file called " pluginregistry.cfg". if you rename that to pluginregistry-old.cfg then restart Audcaity that should force a rescan of all plugins.

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