Spotify tracks recording problem with Audcity

I started trecording potify songs with Audacity on laptop
This was my audio setting
Host Windows
Playback Speaker High Defination Audio Device
Recording Device Speaker High Defination Device loopback
Channel 2 stero
I opend Spotify and audacity apps
I clicked adacity record red button and then play on Spotify song track.When track ends I click stop button on Audacity and paused next starting track on Spotify.
Then Auda city file menu I clicked export audio and file name plus audio format mp3 select kia.
Then I click export button.The song was recorded.
Now I again did so for next track.Second track also completed but when I played second track It was started from firstly recorded song and second recorded track played after finishin first track.Then I recorded third track.When I played it earlier recorded two tracks firstly played and third track was in the end.
I want to record single track but Audacity attache earlier recorded tracks with new recorded track.Time showing windows started 000 whe I started first track recording.When I started second track recording time window went 3minutes one second and forwarded time.
Problem is simple how I can record new track without attaching earlier recording tracks.I used many Audacity versions.Problem is same.

Press the shift key at the same time to record on a new track …
Then select that track alone for export.