I am running the newest Audacity 2.0.03 (from the .exe) on Windows 7.
So I’ve been working on a huge audio project for literally weeks, saving as I go–and I still have quite a bit of work to go, but now, suddenly I can’t open the file to edit it in audacity. I’ve done quite a bit of searching on this and I can’t seem to figure out what’s wrong-- but I need this project for Sunday, and I’m starting to worry.
So I’ve already learned the difference between Import/Open
When I try to import my AUP file, it turns into a horrible high pitched screech, when I try to OPEN, the error message about not being able to find the audio pops up.
I don’t know why-- I haven’t moved a single file or changed a single name. (Screen Shot #2 is the file folder).
I have the raw data folders in there as well.
I’m sorry to bother everyone, I’m just really freaking out. I’m pretty good with tech stuff so if someone could just give me a walk through on how to deal with this, I would be really, really, grateful.
a huge audio project for literally weeks, saving as I go
Can you go back one more version? You saved each step as a new Project, right? You should have maybe a hundred or more individual projects if you’ve been working on the show that long. I like to burn the date and time into each Project to keep them straight. 20130315-2200-NewTrumpets.aup. Do not put punctuation marks of any kind into a filename except underscore and dash.
You didn’t move any parts of the project, but did you “manage” any of the audio files you used in the show? You can tell Audacity in settings to “borrow” an audio file for a show, but not make it’s own personal copy. It’s a setting in Audacity Preferences > Projects.
It borrows the file every time it needs it and you can create a lot of serious problems if you move that file or change it in any way. Audacity will try to borrow it and fail.
Ring any bells? Am I even remotely on the right track?
The AUP file is not audio. It’s a text file – a laundry list of what to do with all the stuff in the _DATA folder. That’s why they have the same name. They must go together and you can’t change the names.
Do you have Windows set to automatically update itself? I know it’s pretty normal to do that, but I don’t let the computer make any automatic changes when I’m working on a Project.
This may be a software bug as well. We have had odd, unexplained damage in Projects with no apparent pattern. Those are the worst to fix.