I just downloaded Audacity 3.6.1. I am trying to break up an album into individual songs. So, like always, I highlight the song, hit file, then export. It exports the whole project, not just the individual part that I highlighted. Not only that, but it downloads as an .aup3 file not .mp3 So?
One at a time. Export Selected isn’t there any more, but you can Export Audio > Export Range > Current Selection (near the bottom).
I suspect Audacity picked an aup3 project file because it thinks you wanted to save all your work. An MP3 won’t save segmented work.
I went into Time Machin to get 3.4.2 back because I didn’t see that option in 3.6.1
Audacity keeps environments and settings around so you don’t have to completely start over when you upgrade. That looks like a setting from 3.6.1.
Tools > Reset Configuration.
Yes, it is. That’s why I reinstalled 3.4.2
I went back and tried tools>reset configuration on 3.6.1 but nothing happened. I still got what was on the screenshot I sent you. Well, I guess I’m good as long as I can use 3.4.2…
Did you do the reset configuration thing? I can’t see what you’re doing.
The configuration files are not the only thing that hangs around when you change Audacity versions.
OK. Deep breath. Desktop >
Take the audacity file to the trash. Fair warning, all the plug-ins, Macros and all the environment settings are going to go.
If you have trouble reclaiming the 3.4.2 installer, you can get a new one.
Post back how it goes.
It’s possible 3.6 is never going to do what you want. There’s been a lot of trouble with that.
I’m using 3.4.2 for sound work
Thanks for your help. I think I’ll stick with 3.4.2 since it works for my purposes which aren’t very fancy. I just need to separate stuff that I download into tracks. By the way, I seem to remember a music downloading site that I used to use that was run by a guy named COZ. That wasn’t you by any chance?
Actually, now that I think about it, I think his name was Croz.
Mine is short for Kozikowski like it says on my messaging shield.
I never agree with any of my relatives. We’re always poles apart.
arf arf arf.
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