About half an hour ago or so I updated Audacity to 3.6.1 and since then it hasn’t picked up my guitar through my interface at all.
Yesterday (before the update) everything was fine.
I tried the usual things, reinstall, restart pc, check all my settings were still the same as before the update, even tried looking at previous solutions, plugging my interface into another USB port, but nothing’s working. It does pick up my microphone, and I can even get everything through Stereo Mix too, but the IN for my guitar does nothing. My interface does still pick up my guitar too.
When my headset isn’t on or even selected in Audacity, but my interface is, it still won’t pick up my guitar. And I have the exact same settings before I did the update when it still worked.
I just tried to see if I can find a restore point for Windows, but I don’t have any to before I did the update.
Tried reinstalling again, with and without the Muse hub, but again nothing.
I managed to fix it! In the settings for MIDI Devices my interface wasn’t selected, and selecting my GT-1 fixed it.
I’m very confused as to why though, because before the update I never had it selected and it worked just fine like that.