Hello, I have been using Audacity for a while and only recently have I been hearing strange static noises. In the file you can hear right at the beginning.
I have already tested on OBS to see if it is my microfoon, but that doesn’t seem to be the problem.
My microfoon is a RODE podmic connected with usb-c.
Did you do something fresh or start a new program or application right about the time that your problems started? One of the things that makes personal computer troubleshooting so darn much fun is it’s open ended. Audacity has to battle its way past all the other applications on Earth that use sound—and some of them leave their settings laying around even if you close them. That’s why computer clean-shutdown is so handy.
Hello, what seemed to have helped is putting my windows powersettings to “Best performance”. It now only occurs once every like 10 minutes of recording and I just simply rerecord that part when it happens.
How old is the camera? If you can make the problems come and go with power settings, then the batteries may be getting tired. Do you get the same problems with the camera plugged into wall power with the charger? Even if it doesn’t solve the problem, if it changes a lot that can tell you where the problem is living.