Savin a file witrhout the audacity symbol

Hello. I am all lof a sudden having trouble saving an audio clip in mp3 file form/. It saves but it is the audacity symbol of the headphones which is not normal. I open the file it is still the recording the lines etc as when I record it. How do i get this to stop?

Did you “save” or “export”? You need to export if you want an MP3.

If all MP3 show the Audacity icon, check (and change) your file associations.

Yes I save it then export it to a MP3 but again all of a sudden I am having problems saving it to a normal file without it saving the recording software i use to record it.

What do you mean by “saving it to a normal file”? Saving does not make an audio file, it makes an “Audacity Project File” (.aup3 in newer versions; .aup - with a related similarly named folder in older versions).

To get an audio fie, you definitely need to use “export” and define the file format (mp3, aiff, wav, …)

I do export but when save it it usually gets a circle with an arrow in it and can click on it and a screen opens up and plays. Now it doesn’t get saved to it when I export it to an mp3 file. It saves to the audacity symbol and when I open it audacity software opens up to where I have to record.

This “circle with arrow” thing - is it a file on your computer’s drive? I think having seen this before - you may have associated music files to a special program. This may be a music play program, or a disc burning program. What happens if you double-click that icon?

Since Audacity does not burn discs, it sure does not come from Audacity.

No it is not being saved as a music file or onto a dvd format. The Icon described the circle with the arrow was always saved that way when saved to my computer as an MP3 file. Now all of a sudden it isn’t being saved that way when I go to save as and then export as an mp3 file. I get a choice. save to or my computer. I choose my computer. The save to audio .com or my computer is something new on my end. It used to just save without that. It usually saves it in media player and have not had problems with using that as an uploadable file for auditions. Now it seems to be a problem.


  • switch on to show the file extension (.mp3, txt, or whatever) in your file explorer and look what extension the exported file has
  • check with what program the file extension is associated

If you do not really need it, don’t use

Thank you for getting back to me. No. I do not use I save it to my computer but this must be with the new version because I Never had that window come up before asking to choose or save to my computer when exporting the file.

Yes, it’s new.

You can turn-off that option by going to Edit → Preferences → Cloud.

Well I was able to click and drag the audio file to my desktop and was able to upload for a voice job. It doesn’t work when saved in documents or downloads so I will do that from now on.

You did not answer my two questions… If you want to solve your problem, you first need to identify it. And to identify it, I cannot help if you don’t try to do what is asked, because I cannot see what happens on your computer.

See here for question 1, and here for question 2.