Can someone tell me if there is a Audacity user manual in Russian? If so, where do I find it?
Some of the manual has been translated into Russian, though I don’t know how much of it has been translated.
Volunteers to help with translating are welcome.
Thank you so much!!!
Вот ещё хороший русскоязычный курс:
Thanks, fido. Note that is a Manual for the old 1.2 version of Audacity. Help translating the current manual would be very much appreciated.
Sorry, my english is too bad for the translation
URL 2a
URL 2b (PDF)
Slightly out-of-date user guides in Russian.
Слегка устаревшие пособия на русском.
Thanks, Zoommi.
It looks like the URL’s are for Audacity 1.2 and the PDF for an early 1.3. Beta, so very out-of-date.
If you hear of someone who has time to translate the Manual, please encourage them to write to .
Если кому интересно, Руководство по Audacity v2.1.1 на русском: LINK REMOVED
Есть еще в формате HTML Help, хорошо для поиска: LINK REMOVED .
Ну и наконец, может не к месту, но все равно, Nyquist Plu-ins на LINK REMOVED.
Sergey, as we keep telling you, we will not post links to an unsafe site like If you want us to see what you are offering, please upload it to Dropbox, OneDrive or Google Drive.
If you want to help translate the Audacity Manual, the way to do that is online: . Similarly, Audacity Wiki can only be edited online.
Nyquist plugins are not easily translatable at present.
IMHO. It is ridiculous for Russians to prefer foreign sites that can reject service any second due to some “sanctions” and political whims. Yandex is the same or even MORE safe than Dropbox, OneDrive or Google Drive, Nevertheless my experience says that none of the named solutions is dependable if you need a long-term storage of something valuable to the public. Audacity docs deserve a permanent storage away from proprietary clouds which control your data instead of you.
When I started looking for a translated version of the docs, I found this official links in this topic are all dead (error 404), including Is there a formalized effort to update the manual for non-english speaking public?
@viacheslav, you are replying to a post that is 4 years old. The original poster has not been on this forum since 2012, and Gale Andrews sadly died on the 23rd of July 2017.
Official Audacity documentation is on our private servers.
That page moved when the website was overhauled a few years ago.
For current links, see: Redirecting to:
We have a highly effective team of volunteers that translate the Audacity GUI. We don’t have the resources to tackle translating the manual. Note that the manual is over 500 pages, and is updated for each release (usually several times per year), so attempting to translate the manual would require a lot of commitment from bilingual volunteers that we don’t have.
Oops. I missed that point.
Being a translator myself I might be able to do something about it. Updating even a long document while having an already translated older version is usually a doable task. Any translation memory system would help to transfer all parts that haven’t changed since the previous iteration, so turning a Russian manual for e.g. audacity 2.1 into a Russian manual for audacity 2.3.3 should be feasible. Such process requires the latest outdated translation, its exact original and the current version of the same manual in the same format.
Currently there are only a handful of pages translated into Russian, and I expect that those pages are massively out of date:
A good starting point for a new translation would be the “Tour Guide”. That is probably manageable for one translator to complete within one Audacity release cycle, and we could make it available as a stand alone document.
Take a look and let me know if that interests you.
Для тех, кто удивлен потоком английских сообщений в ветке русского раздела форума, посвященной важной теме русскоязычной документации, скажу, что тут зашла речь о переводе руководства к новым версиям Audacity 2.3+. Полного перевода по словам разработчиков не существует. Возможно появление частичного перевода основных разделов вики.
Вот ссылки на машинную версию
- .
I have statrted translating the Tour Guide using an offline CAT tool OmegaT, because I want the translation to persist over changes to the original wiki pages and be consistent. Unfortunately I have no clue how to register in the Audiacty wiki. The pages that supposedly contain some instructions for would be translators send one in vicious circles between forum, site and wiki pages without ever giving an actual registration link. The same problem concerns bug reporting. A new user cannot register.
I kindly request logins to the wiki, the bug tracker and the repo (to submit patches for the localization files) or a clear link to the page, where I can register myself.
Unfortunately I have no clue how to register in the Audiacty wiki. The pages that supposedly contain some instructions for would be translators send one in vicious circles between forum, site and wiki pages without ever giving an actual registration link. The same problem concerns bug reporting. A new user cannot register.
Unfortunately there were many communication channels created for Audacity users, but not enough personnel to manage them all. We’ve had many mailing lists, ICQs and email addresses, but no-one to ensure that messages receive replies in a timely manner.
Over the last few years we have been migrating most of the public channels over to this forum, because there is always someone here to help.
Other active channels are listed in the “Contact” section of the main website:
have statrted translating the Tour Guide
using an offline CAT tool OmegaT, because I want the translation to persist over changes to the original wiki pages and be consistent.
We actually have two wikis. There’s the development manual ( and the “Audacity Wiki” (Missing features - Audacity Support)
The latter persists beyond each release, and other than a few formatting tweaks, allows pages to be copied directly between the wiki and the manual.
The wiki would be a good place to work on the translation. I’ll find out who can set up an account for you.
Have you registered on the “audacity-translation mailing list”? You can browse the archive and sign up here: audacity-translation List Signup and Options
Do you have experience with MediaWiki editing? If not, I’ll find some helpful links for you.
The forum moderator “waxcylinder” (Peter) is our main documentation guy, and should be able to help you with any wiki editing problems.
Here is the draft Russian translation of the Audacity Tour Guide. All references to buttons, menu labels etc. are based on the current Audacity 2.3.3. I have never translated wiki pages before, but I have read about the link formats, so the page should be OK to upload (which I cannot do myself).
The attached archive also contains an OmegaT project. It has the tm subfolder with the translation memory tmx file. The TMX file can be used to update the translation to any subsequent version of the same document.
* I have looked through the Google and Yandex versions of the full Audiacity manual and can say that the previous efforts to translate older versions have not gone in vain. Google has indexed the Manual pages and remembers human translations for the pieces that have not changed much. It inserts fragments of real translations from the older versions where possible and the resulting text often looks better than average for MT. It seems to be a good idea to generate Russian versions with Google and correct only the UI labels and terminology (at the 1st step). This would give a usable draft Manual even without full manual translation.
Russian Audacity Tour Guide .tar.gz (318 KB)
That looks like a great start.
I’m not familiar with OmegaT, but I see that in the “Audacity_Tour_Guide.UTF8.txt” file, some line breaks have been removed, and this breaks the wiki formatting. For example, near the start of the file:
#[[#basics|Запись, Воспроизведение и Редактирование - основы Audacity]] #[[#save|Сохранение работы - форматы аудиоданных]] #[[#customizing|Настройка Audacity - темы, цвета, параметры, расположение элементов и плагины]] #[[#faster|Способы ускорить работу - горячие клавиши и макросы]] #[[#loud|Изменение громкости звука - фейды, эффект Усилитель, баланс и усиление дорожки]] #[[#noise|Шумы - подавление, добавление, тонкая настройка]] #[[#speed|Перемещение по дорожке, а также изменение скорости и тональности]] #[[#other|Множество вещей, о которых вы могли не знать, что Audacity это может]]
That needs to be:
#[[#basics|Запись, Воспроизведение и Редактирование - основы Audacity]]
#[[#save|Сохранение работы - форматы аудиоданных]]
#[[#customizing|Настройка Audacity - темы, цвета, параметры, расположение элементов и плагины]]
#[[#faster|Способы ускорить работу - горячие клавиши и макросы]]
#[[#loud|Изменение громкости звука - фейды, эффект Усилитель, баланс и усиление дорожки]]
#[[#noise|Шумы - подавление, добавление, тонкая настройка]]
#[[#speed|Перемещение по дорожке, а также изменение скорости и тональности]]
#[[#other|Множество вещей, о которых вы могли не знать, что Audacity это может]]
Can OmegaT be configured to preserve new lines and whitespace?
so the page should be OK to upload (which I cannot do myself).
To set up a wiki account for you, we need a valid email address. Can I use the address that you registered with this forum?
I’ve uploaded the page here:
As you can see, some of the formatting is a bit off at the moment, but it’s getting there.
The layout should look like this: