Remote-controlling Audacity (Mac)

Hey all - currently building a booth at home to record vocals in, using Audacity. One issue is that I do this solo, so I need to press “record” on my Macbook. The problem is, my laptop is noisy so it needs to live outside the booth. Currently I’m pressing record, then getting into my wardrobe to record (not ideal).

Is there any way I can remotely control Audacity, running on my laptop, from inside the booth? Perhaps via an App, or a remote control that I can program?

Actually, it might be ideal depending on your show. Audiobooks like having “Room Tone” before and sometimes after chapters. You can use that time as a reference for Noise Removal. You have all that built-in. Cutting out the blank spots is super simple in Audacity post production editing.

How were you planning on controlling your laptop? App on your phone? If your phone is an iPhone, you can just record on your phone. I created some very good voice tracks using Voice Memo in Lossless mode. That also gives you a built-in hardware backup in case of computer damage.

Since you can’t see the computer, how are you setting recording volume? That can be a serious problem for home performers.

No, I don’t know of any way to remotely start Audacity. We can wait for others to post.


One other note. If you don’t like “wasting” laptop storage space with these blank times, you may have a lot more problems than just noise. Audacity likes having a lot of “elbow room” on the computer and Audacity hates external drives.

Recording on the phone is not the worst idea.


Have you tried a wireless keyboard and mouse? They will usually work through an interior wall, though it would be less than ideal if you can’t see the display.

Nice idea! But it’s for music, so the room tone isn’t useful. I’ll try the wireless keyboard I think.

Another idea: record your sound using a tape recorder, or a digital recorder, and transfer it only afterwards to your Mac. If you use a tape recorder, you probably need an “external USB soundcard” (unless your Mac has a line-in socket). With a digital recorder it depends what sound files it can deliver and how.

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